Informasi Umum

Characteristics and Causes of Motorbike Overheating and How to Overcome It

Admin BFI
20 September 2024
Characteristics and Causes of Motorbike Overheating and How to Overcome It

Have you ever experienced a motorbike engine stopping suddenly? Actually, this condition is caused by several factors, one of which is overheating or excessive heat. Therefore, you need to be aware of this so you need to know the cause of the motor overheating.

There are many causes because it also depends on the use of the motorbike, one of which is damage to the motorbike components. This damage causes the motorbike engine to not work optimally and will get worse if not handled properly.

Therefore, you need to know everything about motor overheating to provide appropriate treatment. Check out the full review here.


What is Overheating On a Motorbike?

Overheating on a motorbike is a condition where the engine temperature exceeds the normal limit, causing overheating. An overheated motorbike engine has the potential to suffer serious damage if not treated immediately. Overheating occurs when the heat produced by the engine cannot be cooled properly, either by the air or liquid cooling system.

Normal motorbike engine temperatures range between 80-110 degrees Celsius. Meanwhile, the ideal temperature for use is 80-90 degrees Celsius, at this temperature the combustion process occurs which is considered more optimal. Therefore, you need to ensure that the motorbike is at normal temperature to avoid further damage.

Characteristics of an Overheated Motorbike

As a motor vehicle user, you should know what happens to your motorbike. One of them is when the motorbike overheats, here are the characteristics of an overheated motorbike that you need to watch out for.

1. The Engine Feels Hot

The engine feeling very hot is one of the main signs that the motorbike is overheating. This occurs when the engine temperature rises well above its normal operating temperature. Usually, a motorbike engine will work at a safe temperature with the help of a cooling system, such as a fan, radiator or oil, which functions to control and reduce the temperature.

However, when the cooling system fails or there is another problem, the engine will continue to heat up and the temperature will increase drastically. The engine temperature increases drastically, it can even feel very hot to the touch or from heat spreading to areas near the engine. This happens because the heat from combustion in the engine room cannot be cooled properly.

2. The Motor Loses Power (Power Drop)

Motor loss of power is a condition where the motor is unable to produce the acceleration or power it should when used. When the motorbike loses power, the rider will feel the motorbike running slowly, the throttle response is weak, or the motorbike is unable to reach speeds that can usually be achieved easily. This is caused by increased friction between engine components due to excess heat, so the motorbike feels slow.

3. The Machine Makes Strange Sounds

The engine making a strange sound is a sign that there is a problem with the motorbike engine. These sounds can vary, such as tapping, rattling, buzzing, or an unusual hissing sound. This strange sound indicates an imbalance in the workings of engine components, which can be caused by various factors, one of which is overheating.

4. The Temperature Indicator Light is On

The temperature indicator light on is a warning from the motorbike that the engine temperature has exceeded normal safe limits. This light is generally red or orange, and is located on the motorbike dashboard. When it lights up, this indicates that the engine is overheating or the temperature is approaching a level that can damage engine components. This usually happens on motorbikes equipped with temperature sensors, the temperature indicator light will come on as a warning that the engine has reached a dangerous temperature.

5. Smoke Comes Out of the Engine

When the engine overheats, the engine temperature exceeds safe limits, causing the coolant or oil to evaporate. The steam produced can appear as smoke coming out of the engine, especially if the cooling or oil system is not functioning properly. Excessive heat can cause oil to leak and catch fire, producing smoke. This is a sign that the machine is in critical condition and needs to be stopped immediately.

6. The Engine Stops Suddenly

Sudden engine failure on a motorbike occurs when the engine suddenly stops functioning normally and cannot be restarted immediately after that. This is a serious problem that can be caused by a variety of factors, and often indicates that something is wrong with the engine system or its vital components.

Actually, this condition is to protect the engine from further damage, some motorbikes can experience the engine suddenly stopping when the temperature is too high. This is a defense mechanism to prevent permanent damage to engine components.

7. There is a Burning Smell

A burning smell when operating the motor is a sign that something is not working properly and is producing heat or burning materials. This smell can indicate problems with various motorbike components and requires immediate attention to prevent further damage. A burning smell can appear due to oil or plastic being too hot, or from boiling coolant. This indicates that the engine heat is at an abnormal level.

8. Engine Oil Becomes Thicker or Changes Color More Quickly

Engine oil that becomes thicker or changes color more quickly is a sign that there is a problem with the lubrication system or the engine as a whole. Engine oil functions to lubricate engine components, reduce friction, and help with cooling.

Changes in the condition of the oil can indicate a problem that requires immediate attention. If the engine overheats, the high temperature can cause the engine oil to degrade more quickly. Oil that is degraded due to high heat will become thicker and change color to darker or brown. This condition can reduce the oil's ability to lubricate and protect the engine, thus making overheating worse.

Causes of Motor Overheating

After knowing the characteristics of overheating on a motorbike, of course you must always be aware of the causes too. Below we will discuss the causes of motorbike engine overheating and how to overcome them.

1. Lack of Coolant

Cooling fluid functions to absorb and remove heat from the engine. If the coolant level decreases due to a leak or is insufficient, the cooling system cannot work effectively, causing the engine to overheat.

The way to overcome this condition is to check the coolant level and add it if necessary. After that, check for leaks in the cooling system, such as a leaking hose or radiator. Don't forget to replace or repair leaking components.

2. Problems with the Cooling System

The motorbike cooling system includes the radiator, hoses, thermostat, and cooling fan. If one of these components is damaged or does not function properly, the engine cooling process can be disrupted. For example, a stuck thermostat can cause coolant not to flow properly.

You can fix this by checking and cleaning the radiator from dirt or blockages. Don't forget to replace the damaged cooling fan or thermostat. Finally, check and make sure the water pump is functioning properly.

3. Lack of Engine Oil

Engine oil not only functions for lubrication, but also helps in the cooling process. Lack of oil can cause increased friction and overheating of engine components. You must always remember when to change the oil, this can be adjusted to the intensity of motorbike use.

Make sure to always check the engine oil level and top up if necessary. Don't forget to change the oil regularly according to the manufacturer's recommendations.

4. Overheating from Excessive Load

Operating the motorbike with too heavy a load, such as towing a large load or riding in extreme conditions (such as climbing a steep incline), can cause the motor to work harder and overheat more quickly.

You can overcome this by avoiding excessive loads and giving yourself rest time when driving in extreme conditions. Also make sure not to overload the motor more than the recommended capacity.

5. Damage to the Cylinder Head Gasket

The cylinder head gasket is the seal between the cylinder head and the engine block. If this gasket is damaged, coolant can leak into the combustion chamber or engine oil can mix with the coolant, reducing cooling effectiveness and causing the engine to overheat. Therefore, if there are indications of gasket damage, repair or replace the cylinder head gasket.

6. Clogged Exhaust System

If the exhaust system, such as the muffler or catalytic converter, has a blockage, exhaust gases cannot flow smoothly, which can increase engine temperature because exhaust gases are trapped and return to the engine. Always check the exhaust system regularly and clean or replace clogged components.

7. Inappropriate Quality or Type of Oil

Using oil that does not meet engine specifications or old oil can reduce lubrication and cooling capabilities. This also causes the engine to heat up more quickly. This is also the cause of overheating of automatic motorbikes which will cause various new problems later. Therefore, use oil that meets the manufacturer's specifications. Don't forget to change the oil regularly.

8. Extreme Road or Environmental Conditions

Driving in extreme hot weather conditions, heavy traffic jams, or uphill road conditions can increase engine workload and cause engine temperature to rise more quickly. If possible, avoid driving in extreme conditions or give the engine rest time.

9. Leak in the Cooling System

Leaks in the radiator hoses, the radiator itself, or other components in the cooling system can result in coolant loss. This can interfere with the engine cooling process. Therefore, always check and repair leaks in the cooling system. Don't forget to replace leaking or damaged components.

10. Accumulation of Dirt and Dust

Accumulation of dirt and dust on the radiator or cooling fan can reduce air flow and cooling ability, causing the engine to heat up more quickly, so you need to clean the radiator and fan of dirt or dust periodically.


It turns out that there are many reasons for a motorbike to overheat, depending on the use of the motorbike. By knowing the exact cause, you can provide more optimal treatment. Therefore, always pay attention to problems that arise and immediately find solutions to get the best treatment.


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