Proses cepat 3 hari kerja
Tersedia bunga fixed 10 tahun
Proses cepat 3 hari kerja
Tersedia bunga fixed 10 tahun
BFI Finance berizin dan diawasi oleh Otoritas Jasa Keuangan
Since 1982
More than 40 years present and serving the community's financial needs
Active consumers have chosen BFI Finance as their financial partner
>200 Branch
Service spreads across most of Indonesia
BFI Finance is ready to meet your financial needs
Fast 3 business day application process and flexible approval
Competitive fixed interest rates starting from 7.74% flat per annum
Serving debtors from various backgrounds
Fast 3 business day application process and flexible approval
Competitive fixed interest rates starting from 7.74% flat per annum
Serving debtors from various backgrounds
Fast and Simple Process!
1. Fill Online Form
Prepare your documents and personal data
2. We will contact you
You will be contacted by our Call Center for KPR consultation
3. Asset Survey and Validation
We will conduct a survey and check assets for the next process
4. You Have Owned Your Dream Home
You have your house and it is ready to be occupied.
BFI Finance menerima pembiayaan Kredit Pemilikan Rumah
Profil Diri
Profil Rumah
Dokumen |
Karyawan |
Wiraswasta |
Profesional |
FC KTP debitur dan pasangan (untuk debitur dengan status menikah) |
✓ |
✓ |
FC Kartu Keluarga |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
FC Akta Nikah atau FC Akta Cerai atau Akta Kematian (untuk debitur dengan status janda/duda) |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
FC NPWP (istri dapat menggunakan NPWP suami) |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
FC buku tabungan / rekening koran a.n debitur |
✓ |
✓ |
Rekap penghasilan (bon / salinan piutang / catatan penjualan) di 6 bulan terakhir hasil verifikasi marketing |
✓ |
Slip gaji 6 bulan terakhir / SPPT terakhir |
✓ |
FC SIUP, TDP yang masih berlaku (surat-surat legalitas usaha) |
✓ |
FC izin profesi |
✓ |
Foto usaha/ tempat praktek |
✓ |
✓ |
Laporan Keuangan |
✓ |
SK Kerja |
✓ |
Kontrak Kerja |
✓ |
Wujudkan Rumah Impian Anda Hari Ini
Kesempatan emas untuk memiliki rumah dengan penawaran terbaik di BFI Finance
Wujudkan Rumah Impian Anda Hari Ini
Kesempatan emas untuk memiliki rumah dengan penawaran terbaik di BFI Finance