Informasi Umum

Eid Traditions and the True Meaning of Idul Fitri in Islam

Admin BFI
25 March 2025
Eid Traditions and the True Meaning of Idul Fitri in Islam

Eid al-Fitr is just around the corner! Who isn't excited? The long-awaited day of victory for almost all Muslims worldwide is now only a few days away.

Many people take this opportunity to gather with their families, especially those who live far from home, either in different cities or abroad.

As good Muslims, Eid al-Fitr is an irreplaceable moment. However, we should not forget the true meaning of this holy day.

Curious? Let's explore the meaning of Eid al-Fitr in Islam and the concept of "Lebaran," which is often associated with this celebration!

1. The Meaning of Eid al-Fitr in Islam

The word "Fitrah" comes from "Al-Fitri," which means "pure" and "open." Being pure symbolizes being cleansed from past sins and mistakes. After a month of fasting, Muslims are expected to return to a state of purity in heart and soul.

Many also refer to Eid al-Fitr as a day of victory. This is because Muslims have completed the fasting month of Ramadan, during which they must control their desires. In Surah Al-Baqarah (2:183), Allah SWT states that the purpose of fasting is to cultivate piety.

Additionally, there is a social meaning to it! Fasting makes Muslims experience what less fortunate people feel, serving as a reminder to appreciate and help those in need. While some celebrate Eid with joy, others struggle to survive. This is why paying Zakat al-Fitr is obligatory for Muslims.

The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:

"Zakat al-Fitr is required to purify the fasting person from indecent acts and speech and to provide food for the needy." (Hadith by Abu Dawood and Ibn Majah)

The required amount of zakat is 2.5 kg of staple food, such as rice in Indonesia.


2. The Meaning of "Lebaran"

So, what is the difference between "Lebaran" and "Eid al-Fitr"? Interestingly, "Lebaran" is not an Arabic term. According to the Ministry of Finance's website, here are some interpretations of the term:

2.1 "Lebar" - Spaciousness

The first meaning comes from "lebar," which means broad or spacious, symbolizing an open heart in giving and receiving forgiveness. Lebaran is a moment to sincerely forgive one another.

2.2 "Luber" - Overflowing

"Luber" means overflowing or exceeding limits. It represents the abundance of blessings during Lebaran, whether in sustenance, forgiveness, or rewards.

2.3 "Laburan" - Whitewashing

In Javanese, "laburan" means painting or whitewashing. Many people repaint their homes before Eid to make them look fresh and clean, reinforcing the association of "Lebaran" with this celebration.

2.4 "Leburan" - Melting Away

In Javanese, "leburan" means to dissolve or melt away. After fasting for a month, Muslims are expected to embody the qualities of Allah SWT, such as patience and peace in facing life.

2.5 "Liburan" - Holiday

Lastly, "Lebaran" is also a play on words for "Liburan" (holiday). Whether employees or students, everyone enjoys a long holiday during Eid, often traveling or reuniting with family.


3. Eid Traditions in Indonesia

Eid al-Fitr is eagerly anticipated, leading to unique traditions in its celebration. Here are some popular Eid traditions among Indonesian Muslims:

3.1 Ketupat

An iconic Eid dish is ketupat (rice cakes). Eid celebrations feel incomplete without ketupat served with side dishes such as rendang, gulai, opor, and curry.

3.2 Homecoming (Mudik)

One of the most anticipated traditions is mudik (returning home). Many travel back to their hometowns a few days before Eid to celebrate with their families. This tradition strengthens family bonds. If you are traveling for Eid, make sure to do so safely by following traffic regulations.

3.3 Visiting Graves (Nyekar)

A significant tradition for many is visiting the graves of deceased relatives (nyekar). This is usually done a day before Eid or after performing the Eid prayer.

3.4 Takbiran Night

The eve of Eid is marked by takbiran, where people—young and old—joyfully chant the takbir while beating drums. This vibrant night enhances the festive spirit of Eid every year.

3.5 Hampers

A trending tradition is sending Eid hampers to family and friends as a gesture of gratitude and apology. Hampers may include food, clothing, and other gifts based on personal budget.

3.6 Eid Allowance (THR)

A favorite part of Eid, especially for children, is receiving Tunjangan Hari Raya (THR) or Eid allowance. Adults typically give money to children as a token of love. There is no fixed amount—everyone gives according to their financial capacity.

Now that you know the true meaning of Lebaran and its traditions, let’s make the most of this time with family. Eid al-Fitr comes only once a year, making it a precious and highly anticipated moment. May we all embrace this celebration with gratitude and be reborn with purified hearts. Happy Eid al-Fitr!

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BFI Finance is licensed and supervised by the Financial Services Authority (OJK).

Kategori : Informasi Umum