
Here are 8 Ways to Start a Popular Satay Business and Estimated Capital

Admin BFI
2 September 2024
Here are 8 Ways to Start a Popular Satay Business and Estimated Capital

Are you interested in opening a culinary business? Recently, business in this field has become popular among business people. One of the foods that is promising for sale is satay. This meat-based culinary dish is certainly popular with many people because it tastes delicious and is nutritious. The satay business is one of the traditional Indonesian food businesses that has high sales prospects.

The following is a complete review for those of you who are planning to open a satay business. Check out the review here.


Popular Types of Satay Businesses

In Indonesia, there are various types of famous satay, each with its own unique ingredients and spices. Here are some popular types of satay:

1. Chicken Satay

Chicken satay is in great demand because of its delicious taste and flexibility in serving. A typical Indonesian dish consisting of pieces of chicken skewered on skewers and grilled over hot coals. This satay is usually served with peanut sauce, soy sauce, or other sauces. Generally, Sate Madura sells this type of chicken-based satay.

There is also sate taichan which is a version of the popular chicken satay from Indonesia. Taichan satay has simpler and fresher characteristics, with seasonings usually in the form of salt and pepper and a little lime juice. Served without peanut sauce, of course Taichan satay is healthier because it has lower fat. For those of you who are planning to open a culinary business, you can try the Taichan satay business.

2. Beef Satay

Beef satay is a variation of satay that is often found in Indonesian culinary dishes, especially at special events or parties. Beef itself has a deeper and richer taste than chicken. This makes beef satay a favorite choice for many people who like red meat.

Several cuts of beef, such as sirloin, tenderloin, or spare ribs, can be used to make beef satay. Each piece has its own texture and uniqueness. Beef satay can be combined with various spices and sauces, allowing you to offer interesting menu variations.

You can find the unique taste of this beef-based satay in Padang satay which comes from Minangkabau. Or maranggi satay which comes from Purwakarta.

3. Goat Satay

Goat meat has a strong and distinctive taste that is liked by many people. This provides a different eating experience compared to chicken or beef. Therefore, some people like goat satay as their culinary choice.

Moreover, with the right cooking techniques, goat meat can become tender and juicy. Goat satay is often served with curry for a delicious combination of flavors that can whet the appetite.

4. Mussel Satay

Shellfish satay is a dish made from shellfish, usually green clams or other sea shells, which are seasoned and grilled. This satay is often served with various spices, such as peanut sauce, chili sauce, or soy sauce, and can be served with rice, lontong, or ketupat.

For seafood fans, shellfish satay can be an interesting culinary experience. Shellfish themselves are a source of protein and minerals such as zinc and iron. This makes it a healthy and nutritious choice.


The Advantages of the Satay Business

The satay business has a number of advantages that make it attractive to many entrepreneurs. Here are some of the main advantages of the satay business:

1. Popularity and High Demand

Satay is a popular food among various groups and is often a choice at social events, parties and restaurants. Apart from that, the demand for satay remains high because of its delicious taste and various variations.

2. Ease of Serving

Satay can be served easily and quickly, either as a main dish or snack. This makes it easier to serve at various events. Grilled satay can be stored well and reheated without reducing its taste quality.

3. Production Costs are Relatively Low

Raw material costs for satay are relatively low compared to several other types of food. The meat used is usually affordable and easy to obtain. To start a satay business, you don't need expensive kitchen equipment. A grill and skewers are the main equipment needed.

4. Menu Flexibility

Satay can be customized with different types of meat (chicken, beef, goat) as well as different spices and sauces, allowing for a varied menu offering. You can add innovation to the recipe and presentation, such as satay with special spices, serving with unique chili sauce, or vegetarian options.

5. Wide Target Market

This Indonesian food is suitable for various market segments, including families, students, office workers and event visitors. Satay businesses can be run in various locations, from small stalls in markets, food trucks, to restaurants.

6. Potential Profit Margin

With relatively low production costs, you can set competitive selling prices and still get a good profit margin. You can offer various other complementary foods, such as rice, lontong, or drinks, to increase revenue per transaction.

7. Ease of Marketing

Satay is often an attractive choice for promotions or special events. You can use social media to highlight the uniqueness of satay with appropriate content, of course. Serving delicious and attractive satay can increase visual appeal, both on social media and in advertising.

8. Opportunity for Differentiation

You can create a satay recipe that is unique and different from competitors, such as satay with special spices or innovative presentations. Apart from that, it can also provide a unique eating experience, such as serving satay in an open dining area or using interesting cooking methods.

9. Ease of Operation

The process of making and serving satay is relatively simple and does not require complicated cooking skills. Where raw materials such as meat and spices have a relatively long shelf life and can be managed well.

10. Growth and Expansion

The satay business has the potential to grow, either by opening new branches, adding menu variations, or expanding to the online market. So it's not surprising that this culinary business is promising and can be tried for those of you who are interested in getting involved in the food industry.

Satay Business Risks

The satay business, although it has many advantages, also faces several risks that need to be considered. The following are some risks that may be faced in running a satay business:

1. Health and Food Safety Risks

The first is the risk of contamination from raw materials or unhygienic serving methods, causing health problems for customers. Failure to comply with all health and food safety regulations could result in fines or business closure.

2. Fluctuations in Raw Material Prices

Prices of meat and other raw materials can fluctuate, which can affect profit margins. Apart from that, there is also a risk of shortages of raw materials or unstable supplies, which can affect the smooth running of operations.

3. Tight Competition

Currently there are many satay entrepreneurs out there so competition is getting tougher. This can affect market share and profit margins. Competitors who constantly innovate can make it difficult to maintain a competitive advantage.

4. Changes in Consumer Preferences

Consumer tastes can change over time. Reliance on one type of menu or product can be risky if trends change. Moreover, currently awareness of healthy eating patterns can reduce demand for satay, especially if it contains ingredients that are considered unhealthy.

5. Operational Problems

Damage to equipment such as grills or infrastructure problems can disrupt production and serving processes. Other operational issues such as difficulty in recruiting or retaining skilled staff, where changes in staff cause tastes to change as well.

6. Weather and Seasons

If the satay business is run outdoors or in a food truck format, bad weather can affect the number of customers. Apart from the weather, demand for satay can vary depending on the season or time of year.

7. Regulations and Licensing

Furthermore, compliance with all local regulations, including business permits, taxes, and health regulations, can be a challenge for budding entrepreneurs. Changes in health regulations or licensing can affect business operations and costs.

8. Financial Problems

Mistakes in cash management or financial planning can cause serious financial problems. Especially for those of you who are just starting out, getting initial funding or additional capital for expansion can be a challenge.

9. Branding and Marketing Issues

Mistakes in service or product quality can damage a brand's reputation and reduce customer trust. Difficulty in developing and implementing effective marketing strategies can affect business stability and growth.

10. Business Expansion

Expanding a satay business to a new location or increasing production capacity can face various operational and financial challenges. Moreover, maintaining consistent product quality when the business scale increases can be a big challenge.

Tips for Starting and Running a Satay Business

Starting and running a satay business can be a promising business opportunity, especially because satay is a very popular food in Indonesia. Here are some tips for starting and running a satay business:

1. Use Quality Meat

Delicious satay comes from quality ingredients, one of which is meat as the main component. For chicken, choose fresh breast or thigh. Meanwhile, you can use beef hash or thigh meat. Meanwhile, goat can use ribs or thigh meat.

2. Mix Delicious Spices

Second, pay attention to mixing the spices, this is the main key to enjoying satay apart from choosing quality meat. There are various types of spices, such as peanut sauce, soy sauce seasoning, Padang satay sauce seasoning, Maranggi satay seasoning, and taichan seasoning.

3. Make Sure the Marination Process is Correct

Marinating is the process of soaking meat in a mixture of spices so that the flavors of the spices penetrate into the meat. This process is very important in making satay, because it helps improve the taste and makes the meat more tender. With the right marination, the satay pleasure will be irresistible.

4. Cooking Techniques Must be Appropriate

Cooking delicious and tender satay requires the right technique so that the meat cooks evenly, doesn't burn, and the spices are absorbed well. Before grilling, grease the grill or satay with a little oil. Then cook the satay slowly so that it is cooked properly.

5. Always Maintain Food Hygiene

There is no need to doubt that food hygiene is the main thing in the culinary business. Nowadays, consumers are getting smarter and can differentiate between foods whose cleanliness is maintained or which are not maintained. Therefore, don't forget about cleanliness.

6. Choose a Strategic Location

The right location can help attract more customers and increase sales. Of course, you need a busy place, such as a shopping center, tourist attraction and festival venue. Also ensure that the environment is safe and comfortable so that consumers who come feel at home eating there.

7. Invest in Branding and Marketing

For novice business people, investing in branding and marketing is something that must be prioritized. In this day and age, business reputation is an important thing that must not be forgotten. Consumers will trust if the satay business you own has good reviews from previous customers.

8. Provide the Best Customer Service

Providing the best customer service is key to building customer loyalty and ensuring your satay business grows. Good service not only increases customer satisfaction but also keeps them coming back for more. Make sure to be friendly and responsive to their orders.

9. Consistent with Taste

Consistency of taste is one of the key factors in maintaining customer loyalty in the culinary business, including the satay business. Customers return because they like the familiar taste and quality.

Estimated Satay Business Capital

The capital estimate for starting a satay business depends on various factors, including the scale of the business, location, and the type of facilities required. The following is a general breakdown of the costs you may need to start a satay business, both small scale (for example, street stalls or food carts) and medium scale (for example, stalls or small restaurants).

The following is an analysis of the satay business as a reference for those of you who want to open a business. The following calculations can help you find out the capital for a chicken and goat satay business.

Usage Assumptions

Cart usage period: 5 years

Food equipment service life: 2 years

Cookware usage period: 2 years

Table and chair usage period: 3 years

Business Capital

Cart: Rp. 5,000,000

Tableware: Rp. 1,000,000

Cooking equipment: Rp. 2,000,000

Tables and chairs: Rp. 1,000,000

TOTAL IDR 9,000,000

Operating costs

Cart depreciation costs: 1/60 x IDR 5,000,000 = IDR 84,000

Cutlery depreciation costs: 1/24 x IDR 1,000,000 = IDR 42,000

Depreciation costs for cooking utensils: 1/24 x IDR 2,000,000 = IDR 84,000

Venue rental: Rp. 800,000

TOTAL IDR 1,010,000

Miscellaneous Expense

Shopping for ingredients: IDR 500,000 x 30 days = IDR 15,000,000

Buy gas, security, cleaning, etc: Rp. 300,000

TOTAL Rp. 15,300,000


So, total operational costs: IDR 1,010,000 + IDR 15,300,000 = IDR 16,310,000


Monthly Sales

Sales of 25 portions of chicken satay x IDR 12,000 x 30 days = 9,000,000

Sales of 30 portions of goat satay x IDR 18,000 x 30 days = IDR 16,200,000

Sales of 30 plates of rice x IDR 3,500 x 30 days = IDR 3,150,000

TOTAL Rp. 28,350,000

Profit = IDR 28,350,000 - IDR 16,310,000 = IDR 12,040,000


This is a review of the satay business, starting from the popular types of satay to the estimated capital that must be spent. The culinary sector could be a promising business for those of you who are currently looking for business recommendations. Moreover, satay is most people's favorite food. Interested in trying it?

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