
Gym Business: How to Start and How Much Capital is Needed?

Admin BFI
14 October 2024
Gym Business: How to Start and How Much Capital is Needed?

Amid rising awareness of the importance of a healthy lifestyle and fitness, the gym industry has rapidly grown into one of the most promising sectors. The gym business not only offers lucrative financial opportunities but also contributes to the health of the broader community.


However, building a successful gym business requires careful planning. Therefore, you need to understand the aspects required in opening a gym business.



1. Advantages of the Gym Business

gym business

The gym business offers several advantages that can make it an attractive choice for business development. Here are some key advantages of running a gym:


1.1 Increased Awareness of a Healthy Lifestyle

Today, people are becoming more aware of the importance of health. Especially after the pandemic, which has disrupted various sectors, health has become a new lifestyle for society. Many people have included exercise in their daily routines. This creates high demand for gym and fitness services.


In addition, awareness about the importance of preventing diseases through exercise, such as reducing the risk of obesity, heart disease, and diabetes, is also growing, encouraging people to be more active. Gyms can position themselves as places that offer comprehensive physical and emotional health benefits, increasing value for consumers.


1.2 High Revenue Potential

Most gyms use a monthly or yearly membership model. This way, gyms receive stable recurring income regardless of how often members come to work out. This subscription-based model provides consistent cash flow, making financial planning easier and increasing long-term income stability.


Gyms that attract more members can maximize profits without significantly increasing operational costs. After covering fixed costs such as rent, equipment, and staff, each additional member contributes more to the profit.


1.3 Additional Services

Aside from gym memberships, you can offer additional services such as personal training, fitness classes (yoga, pilates, Zumba), nutrition packages, or special programs like boot camps. Selling fitness products, such as supplements, sportswear, and accessories, can also increase revenue.


With these services, gyms are not solely dependent on one source of income, thus increasing the chances of boosting overall revenue. There are many examples of gyms that have profited through this approach by partnering with related parties to diversify services and products.


1.4 Attractive Profit Margins

With proper management and good marketing strategies, the profit margins in the gym business can be highly attractive, especially when taking advantage of service diversification and maintaining operational efficiency. One of the ways to do this is by forming partnerships with companies, a trend that has been growing among gyms.


Gyms can partner with companies that want to offer health programs for their employees as part of corporate wellness initiatives. These programs often include bulk membership packages at fixed rates. Securing a large number of members through corporate partnerships provides more stable income and boosts profits without the need for heavy investment in individual marketing or promotions.


According to DetikFinance, one gym franchise in Indonesia can earn a net profit of IDR 80 million per month. This profit is based on 400 active members, each paying a monthly fee of IDR 300,000. Impressive, right?


2. Challenges in the Gym Business

While the gym business has significant potential in the fitness industry, it also faces various challenges. Here are some key challenges in running a gym business:


2.1 Intense Competition

The rise of new gyms has made competition fierce. Larger gyms or well-known brands often offer facilities and promotions that smaller gyms find hard to compete with. Therefore, starting a business in this health sector can be a unique challenge for beginners.


2.2 Fluctuating Membership Numbers

Many gyms experience drops in membership outside of certain peak times, such as after the New Year (when many people make fitness resolutions) or before summer holidays. After these periods, many members stop coming regularly or even cancel their memberships.


2.3 High Operational Costs

Gym operational costs are quite high, including electricity, rent, equipment maintenance, and staff salaries. For gyms that operate 24 hours, operational costs can increase even more. This can become a serious problem for new gym entrepreneurs, requiring careful consideration of expenses and income.


2.4 Equipment Maintenance and Upgrades

Fitness equipment such as treadmills, stationary bikes, and weights must be maintained and updated regularly. If equipment is not well-maintained or breaks down, this can reduce member satisfaction and cause them to switch to other gyms. Managing equipment maintenance requires setting aside reserve funds.


2.5 Keeping Up with Fitness Trends

The fitness industry continues to evolve with shifting trends, such as the emergence of technology-based workouts (e.g., virtual training or fitness apps), group-based exercise (like CrossFit), or new workout methods (yoga, pilates). Gyms that fail to follow these trends may fall behind.


2.6 Staff Training and Management

Effectively managing trainers and employees is a key challenge, as they are essential to the gym's success. Instructors who are not professional or cannot provide good service will inevitably affect the gym's reputation.


2.7 Customer Retention

One of the biggest problems for gyms is the low retention rate of customers. Many members join on a whim but stop after a few months. This issue needs to be anticipated, especially for those who want to start a gym business. While the initial drop in membership may not have a significant impact, over time it can be highly detrimental.


3. How to Start a Gym Business

Starting a gym business can be a profitable venture if well-planned. Here are the steps you can follow to start a gym business:


3.1 Research Gym Equipment

The first step is researching gym equipment. Several important factors need to be considered, including the type of equipment, budget, target market, and maintenance and space requirements. You need to know there are several types of equipment, such as those for cardio, weightlifting, and functional training. Look for the best equipment suppliers to ensure quality and durability.


3.2 Prepare the Gym Location

Ensure that the gym is located in an area with a high concentration of your target market, such as residential areas, business centers, or near universities. For example, a low-cost gym would be better suited in residential areas with a high population of working-age people. You also need to consider the size of the gym as it will affect the equipment you can install.


3.3 Set Gym Membership Pricing

Setting gym membership prices is a crucial step that requires careful consideration of various factors. The price should reflect the value offered, cater to the target market, and remain competitive with other gyms. Before setting the price, you need to calculate operational costs, including fixed costs, variable costs, and initial investments. Then determine membership prices, whether for daily, weekly, monthly, or annual access.


3.4 Offer Non-Gym Classes

Gym businesses are not limited to workout equipment usage. You can offer non-gym classes such as Zumba, pound fit, body pump, and sports dance. This is a way to expand your service offerings and attract different customer segments.


3.5 Calculate Operational Costs

Calculating operational costs is a critical step in starting a gym business. This helps ensure you can plan your budget properly and manage your business finances efficiently. Some costs to consider include rent, equipment maintenance, utilities, and employee salaries. Make sure nothing is overlooked in your calculations.


3.6 Secure Business Capital

Securing capital for a gym business involves several strategic steps to ensure all financial aspects are well-managed. Like other businesses, you can get funding from various sources. Some capital sources include personal savings, bank loans, investors, and crowdfunding platforms.


3.7 Hire Experienced Employees

Hiring experienced employees for your gym business is essential to ensure quality service and efficient operations. The first thing you need to do is determine the positions and qualifications required. For example, gym instructors are responsible for teaching fitness classes, providing personal training, and demonstrating equipment usage. Other roles may include personal trainers (PTs), receptionists, cleaning staff, and admin personnel.


3.8 Promote the Gym Through Social Media and Websites

Like any other business, you need to build a good reputation to grow your gym business. One way to do this is by promoting through social media and your business website. You can create content showcasing the gym’s facilities and highlight the benefits customers will gain.


3.9 Offer Attractive Promotions

Offering attractive promotions can help attract new customers, increase sign-ups, and build loyalty among your gym members. First, you can offer discounts on registration fees for new members who join during a promotional period. Additionally, you could reward or offer discounts to members who refer friends or family to join.


3.10 Sell Additional Products

The gym business is not limited to using fitness equipment; you can diversify your product offerings to increase profits. You can sell additional products that support customer health, such as supplements, milk, and accessories.


4. Gym Business Capital Estimation

Calculating the capital and profits for a gym business requires detailed analysis of various factors, including initial costs, operational costs, expected revenue, and profit projections. Here's how to estimate the capital and profits for a gym business:


4.1 Initial Capital Calculation

Location rental: IDR 10,000,000 - IDR 30,000,000

Renovations and repairs: IDR 20,000,000 - IDR 50,000,000

Gym equipment: IDR 50,000,000 - IDR 150,000,000

Marketing and promotions: IDR 10,000,000 - IDR 25,000,000


4.2 Operational Costs

Staff salaries: IDR 5,000,000 - IDR 15,000,000

Utilities (electricity, water): IDR 2,000,000 - IDR 5,000,000

Maintenance: IDR 1,000,000 - IDR 3,000,000


In conclusion, the gym business offers significant potential for growth and success if managed properly. By following these tips and strategies, you can start your journey into the fitness industry.

Kategori : Bisnis