For prospective new parents, knowing the cost of childbirth is something that needs to be considered carefully.
The cost of childbirth itself is divided into two methods. First, namely normal delivery (vaginal birth), and the second is through surgery or better known as cesarean section (cesarean section).
The method chosen will determine the cost of childbirth that you have to pay. When viewed from a cost perspective, the price of normal delivery is certainly cheaper than a cesarean section which tends to cost more.
So that you can prepare for childbirth well, here is a list of labor costs that you can use as a reference and tips for preparing the funds.
Cost of Giving Birth in Hospital
The cost of giving birth at the hospital has different prices. This is influenced by the location of the hospital you choose the action, facilities, and treatment you want after giving birth.
Quoted from Alodokter, the following is the number of normal delivery costs without BPJS in several hospitals in Indonesia.
Estimated Cost of Normal Giving Birth in Jakarta
MRCC Siloam Hospitals Semanggi
Price: Starting from IDR 13 million - IDR 37 million
Location: Setiabudhi, Jakarta
RS Brawijaya Sharjo
Price: Starting from IDR 7 million - IDR 22 million
Location: Tebet, Jakarta
Rumah Sakit Premier Jatinegara
Price: Starting from IDR 16 million - IDR 39 million
Location: Jatinegara, Jakarta
RSIA Tambak
Price: Starting from IDR 5 million
Location: Menteng, Jakarta
Mayapada Hospital Jakarta Selatan
Price: Starting from IDR 13 million
Location: Kuningan Timur, Jakarta
Estimated Cost of Normal Giving Birth in Bogor
Eka Hospital Cibubur
Price: Starting from IDR 4 million
Location: Gunung Putri, Bogor
Siloam Hospitals Bogor
Price: Starting from IDR 7 million - IDR 12 million
Location: Bogor Tengah, Bogor
RS EMC Sentul
Price: Starting from IDR 6 million
Location: Sentul, Bogor
RS Mulia Pajajaran
Price: Starting from IDR 2 million
Location: Bogor Utara, Bogor
RSKIA Sawojajar
Price: Starting from IDR 6 million - IDR 14 million
Location: Bogor Tengah, Bogor
Estimated Cost of Normal Giving Birth in South Tangerang
Price: Starting from IDR 7 million
Location: Ciputat, Tangerang Selatan
RS EMC Alam Sutera
Price: Starting from IDR 7 million
Location: Serpong Utara, Tangerang Selatan
Eka Hospital BSD
Price: Starting from IDR 15 million
Location: Serpong, Tangerang Selatan
Rumah Sakit Premier Bintaro
Price: Starting from IDR 17 million
Location: Pondok Aren, Tangerang Selatan
RS Insan Permata
Price: Starting from IDR 3 million
Location: Serpong Utara, Tangerang Selatan
Estimated Cost of Normal Giving Birth in Surabaya
Mitra Keluarga Surabaya
Price: Starting from IDR 9 million
Location: Sukomanunggal, Surabaya
Rumah Sakit Manyar Medical centre
Price: Starting from IDR 4 million
Location: Sukolilo, Surabaya
Siloam Hospital Surabaya
Price: Starting from IDR 7 million
Location: Gubeng, Surabaya
Rumah Sakit Al-Irsyad
Price: Starting from IDR 5 million
Location: Pabean Cantian, Surabaya
RSAL Dr. Ramelan Surabaya
Price: Starting from IDR 4 million
Location: Wonokromo, Surabaya
Estimated Cost of Normal Giving Birth in Bekasi
RS Karunia Kasih
Price: Starting from IDR 3 million
Location: Pondok Gede, Bekasi
RS Mustika Merdeka
Price: Starting from IDR 3 million
Location: Mustikajaya, Bekasi
RS Ananda Bekasi
Price: Starting from IDR 3 million
Location: Medan Satria, Bekasi
Mitra Keluarga Bekasi
Price: Starting from IDR 9 million
Location: Bekasi Timur, Bekasi
RS St. Elisabeth Bekasi
Price: Starting from IDR 2 million
Location: Rawalumbu, Bekasi
Estimated Cost of Normal Giving Birth in Cirebon
RS Sumber Kasih
Price: Starting from IDR 2 million
Location: Kejaksan, Cirebon
RS Sumber Hurip
Price: Starting from IDR 2 million
Location: Sumber, Cirebon
RSU Panti Abdi Dharma
Price: Starting from IDR 6 million
Location: Lemahwunguk, Cirebon
RS Mitra Plumbon
Price: Starting from IDR 4 million
Location: Plumbon, Cirebon
RSU Universitas Muhammadiyah Cirebon
Price: Starting from IDR 900 thousand
Location: Astanajapura, Cirebon
Estimated Cost of Normal Giving Birth in Yogyakarta
RS Bhayangkara POLDA D.I. Yogyakarta
Price: Starting from IDR 1 million
Location: Kalasan, Yogyakarta
Siloam Hospitals Yogyakarta
Price: Starting from IDR 7 million
Location: Gondokusuman, Yogyakarta
RSKIA Sadewa
Price: Starting from IDR 3.5 million
Location: Depok, Yogyakarta
RS Happy Land Medical Center
Price: Starting from IDR 6.5 million
Location: Umbulharjo, Yogyakarta
RSKIA Rachmi Yogyakarta
Price: Starting from IDR 4.5 million
Location: Ngampilan, Yogyakarta
Estimated Cost of Normal Giving Birth in Bandung
RSU Pindad Bandung
Price: Starting from 2.4 million
Location: Kiaracondong, Bandung
RS Humana Prima
Price: Starting from IDR 6 million
Location: Rancasari, Bandung
Rumah Sakit Edelweiss
Price: Starting from IDR 4.7 million
Location: Buah Batu, Bandung
Rumah Sakit Immanuel
Price: Starting from IDR 6 million
Location: Bojongloa Kidul, Bandung
Rumah Sakit Kebon Jati
Price: Starting from IDR 6.5 million
Location: Andir, Bandung
Estimated Cost of Normal Giving Birth in Other Cities
RSIA dr. Hj. Karmini Tasikmalaya
Price: Starting from IDR 2.1 million
Location: Tawang, Tasikmalaya
Siloam Hospitals Ambon
Price: Starting from IDR 2.1 million
Location: Sirimau, Ambon
RSKIA Annisa Banjarmasin
Price: Starting from IDR 6.5 million
Location: Banjarmasin Barat, Banjarmasin
RS Cempaka Az-Zahra
Price: Starting from IDR 4 million
Location: Kuta Alam, Banda Aceh
Mitra Keluarga Cikarang
Price: Starting from IDR 4.1 million
Location: Cikarang Utara, Cikarang
RS Lira Medika
Price: Starting from IDR 4.5 million
Location: Karawang Timur, Karawang
RSU Bunda BMC Padang
Price: Starting from IDR 6 million
Location: Padang Selatan, Padang
Rumah Sakit Siloam Dhirga Surya
Price: Starting from IDR 7 million
Location: Medan Petisah, Medan
RS Panti Wilasa Citarum
Price: Starting from IDR 1.2 million
Location: Semarang Timur, Semarang
Siloams Hospital Manado
Price: Starting from IDR 9 million
Location: Wenang, Manado
Cost of Childbirth in Midwives
The cost of giving birth at a midwife is generally more affordable than in a hospital. This is because the existing medical facilities and measures are not as complete as those in the hospital.
Even so, it does not mean that midwives are not reliable in handling childbirth. Because being a midwife needs to be equipped with sufficient knowledge and understand well the actions that need to be taken when helping a mother give birth.
The cost of a normal delivery at the midwife at the puskesmas ranges from Rp. 500 thousand to Rp. 1 million. The cost of delivery has been covered by BPJS Health.
The cost of a normal delivery without BPJS can vary widely, depending on the midwife chosen, as well as the price the midwife charges.
As additional tips, you can conduct a survey of the cost of childbirth at the nearest midwife. That way, you will get an idea of how much the cost should be prepared in advance.
Cost of Caesarean Delivery (C-section)
The cost of cesarean delivery is generally determined by the hospital chosen and the room type. The reason is, each hospital and the type of room chosen is usually already a package with a series of treatments and facilities that will be obtained.
The following is the cost of cesarean delivery without using BPJS.
1. Private Hospital
The cost of delivery which is priced for cesarean section at the hospital is relatively expensive but commensurate with the handling up to treatment after delivery. For example, for the Jakarta area, it is between Rp. 30 to Rp. 50 million.
2. Type A Hospital
Hospitals with type A in the Jakarta area generally charge a cesarean delivery fee of Rp. 4 million - Rp. 15 million. Depends on the facilities and packages you choose.
3. Hospital Type B
For type B hospitals in the Jakarta area, generally, the rate of delivery costs is around Rp. 5 million - Rp. 16 million.
4. Type C and Type D Hospitals
Meanwhile, type C and type D hospitals in the Jakarta area generally range from IDR 4 - IDR 7 million which includes actions, and doctor visits, and this type of hospital accepts BPJS Health referrals.
5. Suite Room Type
Equipped with complete and luxurious facilities, delivery costs with a choice of suite rooms are IDR 67 million.
6. VVIP Room Type A
The cost of cesarean delivery with the following room types is charged at a rate of around Rp. 55 million. It depends on the hospital you choose.
8. VVIP Room Type B
The price set for the cost of cesarean delivery with this room type is around Rp. 53 million.
9. VIP Room Type
For VIP-type rooms, the cost of cesarean section delivery that needs to be prepared is approximately IDR 47 million.
How to Use BPJS Health for Normal Delivery
Here are some procedures that you can do if you want to take advantage of BPJS health to cover your normal delivery costs.
1. Visit First Level Health Facilities
First, you can visit the first-level health facilities (faskes) according to your domicile. Such as health centers, private clinics, midwives, or specialist doctors for pregnancy check-ups.
Make sure the health facilities you visit have partnered with BPJS Health so that you don't have to bear the cost of childbirth.
Especially for pregnant women with a high risk of childbirth, usually, the first health facility will provide a cover letter to be forwarded to the advanced level health facility.
2. Bring Supporting Documents
Before you visit the first health facility or health facility I, make sure you bring the required supporting documents such as BPJS Card, Maternal and Child Health Book, KTP.
Tips for Preparing for Childbirth
There are a number of tips that you can follow to prepare the necessary maternity funds. Check out the following tips.
1. Know the Costs Required
The first thing you can do to prepare for the cost of childbirth is to know the number of costs needed. Conduct a site survey, including details of the care to be received.
It would be nice if you started doing these first tips when you were planning to have a baby or when your partner had tested positive for pregnancy.
2. Plan
After you have completed the survey, the next step is to prepare a plan related to the cost of childbirth that needs to be prepared. This is done as anticipation in case of expenses outside the main plan.
In addition, by making a plan you can also discuss with your partner other possibilities that can occur before the delivery period outside of the cost.
3. Check Childbirth Allowance
In some companies or workplaces, there is generally an allowance for the birth of a child. Amounts vary and may not all be covered by your workplace.
Even so, it never hurts to find out about this so that the childbirth costs you bear can be lighter.
4. Start Saving Early
Start saving as early as possible and set priorities. Because the cost of giving birth every year can change.
You can also start short-term investments such as those with a less risky level such as deposits. Make sure the investment product you choose is in accordance with OJK regulations, not an illegal investment.
5. Register for Insurance
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. At least that's what you need to prepare when getting ready to give birth.
The reason is, the existing birth process can potentially experience unwanted things. If this happens, of course, you will not need a small amount of money to carry out maintenance.
6. Find Alternative Additional Funds
Finally, look for alternative additional funds. There are many finance companies that offer loan funds for childbirth costs.
One of them is BFI Finance. You get the cost of childbirth with a variety of insurance options that can be adjusted. You can find more information below.
Submission Information Car BPKB Guarantee Loan
Submission Information BPKB Motor Guarantee Loan
Submission Information BPKB Motor Guarantee Loan
Sobat BFI, that's information related to the cost of childbirth. Hopefully, this information can help you in finding information that is relevant to your needs.
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