The month of Ramadan is a blessed month eagerly awaited by Muslims around the world. In addition to being an obligation for Muslims, fasting during Ramadan also brings numerous benefits.
These benefits can be experienced in various aspects of life, including religious, health, and social aspects. Here are 18 benefits of fasting during Ramadan, summarized by the BFI Finance team.
1. Benefits of Fasting During Ramadan from a Religious Aspect
1.1 Practicing Patience
Fasting teaches us to control our desires, whether for food, drink, or anger. It serves as valuable training in patience for daily life.
1.2 Increasing Piety
One of the main goals of fasting is to increase piety toward Allah. By refraining from things that invalidate fasting, a Muslim becomes closer to Allah and more conscious of their actions.
Allah says:
"O you who have believed, decreed upon you is fasting as it was decreed upon those before you that you may become righteous." (QS. Al-Baqarah: 183)
1.3 Forgiveness of Sins
In Islam, fasting has the virtue of erasing past minor sins, as long as it is observed with faith and sincerity.
Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said:
"Whoever fasts Ramadan out of faith and seeking reward, his past sins will be forgiven." (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)
1.4 Prayers Are Granted
Ramadan is a time when prayers are more readily accepted by Allah, especially during the time of breaking the fast and the last third of the night.
The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said:
"Three supplications are not rejected: the supplication of a fasting person until he breaks his fast, the supplication of a just leader, and the supplication of the oppressed." (HR. Tirmidhi)
1.5 A Field of Good Deeds
Every good deed performed during Ramadan is multiplied in rewards, making it a great opportunity to increase worship and righteous acts.
The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said:
"Whoever provides food for a fasting person to break his fast, he will have a reward like that of the fasting person, without reducing the fasting person’s reward in the slightest." (HR. Tirmidhi)
1.6 Prayed for by Angels
A person who fasts sincerely receives prayers from the angels, which is one of the many blessings of Ramadan.
The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said:
"Indeed, Allah and His angels send blessings upon those who eat Suhoor (pre-dawn meal)." (HR. Ahmad)
1.7 Protection from Evil Deeds
By refraining from eating and drinking, one also finds it easier to avoid sinful acts such as gossiping, speaking harshly, and being unjust.
1.8 Liberation from Hellfire
Hadiths mention that in Ramadan, there is a night better than a thousand months, known as Lailatul Qadr. Those who fast and worship sincerely during this month have a great opportunity to receive forgiveness and be saved from Hellfire.
The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said:
"Indeed, Allah frees some people from Hellfire every day and night in Ramadan, and every Muslim who makes a supplication will have it answered." (HR. Ahmad)
2. Benefits of Fasting During Ramadan from a Health Aspect
Aside from its religious significance, fasting also brings various health benefits. Here are some, as reported by various sources:
2.1 Detoxifying the Body
During fasting, the body undergoes a natural detoxification process by eliminating toxins. Organs such as the liver, kidneys, and digestive system get a break, allowing them to work more efficiently in cleansing harmful substances.
2.2 Aiding Weight Loss
Fasting can help with weight loss by reducing calorie intake and boosting metabolism. When the body lacks food for a certain period, it starts burning stored fat for energy.
2.3 Lowering Cholesterol and Heart Disease Risk
Studies suggest that fasting helps lower bad cholesterol (LDL) while increasing good cholesterol (HDL). It also regulates blood pressure and reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as heart attacks, strokes, and atherosclerosis (artery blockage due to plaque buildup).
2.4 Boosting the Immune System
Properly practiced fasting enhances the immune system. It allows the body to regenerate damaged cells and increases white blood cell production, which helps fight infections.
2.5 Enhancing Happiness
Fasting promotes the production of endorphins, hormones responsible for improving mood and reducing stress levels. Social activities such as breaking fast together also foster happiness and strengthen relationships.
3. Benefits of Fasting During Ramadan from a Social Aspect
3.1 Encouraging Kindness and Compassion
During Ramadan, Muslims are more inclined to share with others, whether by giving charity, providing meals for breaking the fast, or helping those in need.
3.2 Cultivating Gratitude
Experiencing hunger and thirst helps us appreciate the blessings of food and drink, which are often taken for granted in daily life.
3.3 Increasing Empathy for Others
Fasting allows a person to understand and feel the hardships of the less fortunate, fostering greater empathy and social awareness.
3.4 Strengthening Social Bonds
Ramadan is a time for gathering with family, friends, and the community through religious activities such as communal iftar (breaking the fast) and Taraweeh prayers.
3.5 Instilling Discipline
Fasting teaches discipline in worship, such as waking up for Suhoor, breaking the fast on time, and consistently performing the five daily prayers.
Sobat BFI, by fasting properly and with full awareness, we can gain numerous blessings that positively impact both this life and the hereafter. May we all experience a blessed Ramadan in 2025 and reap the benefits of every act of worship we perform.
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