Informasi Umum

Must-Know! How to Pay Zakat Fitrah in 2025

Admin BFI
17 March 2025
Must-Know! How to Pay Zakat Fitrah in 2025

Every Ramadan, Muslims are required to fulfill zakat as a form of care and self-purification before Eid al-Fitr. However, many still do not fully understand the correct way to pay zakat fitrah, especially in 2025, where online payment methods are becoming more prevalent. The BFI Finance team will summarize the procedures for paying zakat fitrah in 2025.


1. What is Zakat Fitrah?

1.1 Definition

Zakat fitrah is a mandatory zakat that every Muslim must pay during Ramadan before Eid al-Fitr. This zakat aims to purify the soul and serve as a form of care for those in need.

1.2 Pillars of Zakat Fitrah

For zakat fitrah to be valid, several pillars must be fulfilled:

●      Muzakki – A Muslim who is obligated to pay zakat fitrah.

●      Mustahik – An individual who meets the criteria to receive zakat fitrah.

●      Zakat assets – Usually staple food equivalent to 2.5 kg or 3.5 liters.

●      Intention – Must be recited when giving zakat fitrah.

1.3 Differences Between Zakat Fitrah and Zakat Mal

●      Zakat Fitrah: A mandatory zakat paid by every Muslim during Ramadan before Eid al-Fitr. It is meant to purify the soul and help the poor celebrate the holiday. The amount is based on staple food and must be paid within a specific time frame.

●      Zakat Mal: A zakat applied to wealth if it reaches the nisab (minimum threshold) and haul (one-year period). It includes assets such as gold, silver, income, trade, agriculture, etc. The standard amount for zakat mal is generally 2.5% of the eligible wealth.

2. Conditions and Recipients of Zakat

2.1 Conditions for Paying Zakat

●      Islam – Only Muslims are obligated to pay zakat.

●      Possessing Extra Wealth – Must have excess food or wealth to be given.

●      Obligatory Time – Must be paid from the end of Ramadan until before the Eid prayer.

2.2 Categories (Asnaf) of Zakat Recipients

According to Islamic law, eight groups are eligible to receive zakat:

  1. Fakir – Those who have no income at all.
  2. Miskin – Those who earn but cannot meet basic needs.
  3. Amil – People responsible for managing and distributing zakat.
  4. Muallaf – New converts to Islam.
  5. Riqab – Slaves seeking freedom.
  6. Gharim – Individuals in debt who cannot repay.
  7. Fisabilillah – Those striving in the way of Allah.
  8. Ibnu Sabil – Stranded travelers needing assistance.


3. Time for Paying Zakat Fitrah

tata cara bayar zakat fitrah

Image Source: Freepik

3.1 Recommended Time

Zakat fitrah can be paid from the beginning of Ramadan but is best given closer to Eid to ensure it reaches the needy in time.

3.2 Obligatory Time

Zakat must be paid when Ramadan ends and before the start of Shawwal. If someone dies after sunset on the first night of Shawwal, they must still be given zakat. However, a baby born after Maghrib on the first night of Shawwal is not obligated to receive zakat.

3.3 Best Time (Afdhal)

The most virtuous time to pay zakat fitrah is after dawn on Eid al-Fitr and before the Eid prayer, following the Prophet Muhammad’s practice to ensure recipients can benefit before the celebration.

3.4 Disliked Time (Makruh)

Delaying zakat payment until after the Eid prayer but before sunset on the first of Shawwal is considered makruh (discouraged). However, if there is a valid reason, such as waiting for a specific recipient, it is not makruh.

3.5 Forbidden Time (Haram)

Missing zakat payment beyond sunset on the first of Shawwal without a valid excuse is haram (prohibited). If paid later, it is only considered a qadha (make-up) and does not fulfill the original obligation.


4. How to Pay Zakat Fitrah in 2025

4.1 Paying at the Right Time

Ensure zakat is paid within the recommended time, before the Eid prayer.

4.2 Calculating Zakat Amount

The chairman of the National Amil Zakat Agency (BAZNAS) of Indonesia has set the zakat fitrah amount for 2025 in the Greater Jakarta area at 2.5 kg or 3.5 liters of rice per person. If paid in cash, it is equivalent to Rp47,000 per person.

4.3 Reciting the Intention When Paying Zakat Fitrah

Before giving zakat to a mustahik or through an official zakat institution, recite the following intention:

Nawaitu an ukhrija zakatal fitri 'an nafsi fardhan lillahi ta'ala. "I intend to give zakat fitrah for myself as an obligation for the sake of Allah Ta’ala."


5. How to Pay Zakat Fitrah Online

Today, zakat fitrah can be paid online through official institutions. Here are the steps:

  1. Visit an official zakat institution's website, such as
  2. Click on the "Pay Zakat" menu.
  3. Select "Zakat" as the fund type, then choose "Zakat Fitrah".
  4. Enter the number of people for whom zakat is being paid; the amount will be automatically calculated.
  5. Fill in full name, title, phone number, and email.
  6. Choose a payment method, such as bank transfer, e-wallet, or other options.
  7. Recite the zakat fitrah intention before making the payment.
  8. Click "Pay" and complete the transaction.

Paying zakat fitrah on time ensures the completion of Ramadan worship and supports those in need.

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Kategori : Informasi Umum