Informasi Umum

Dear Future Brides and Grooms, Pay Attention to the Marriage Requirements at KUA

Admin BFI
6 June 2024
Dear Future Brides and Grooms, Pay Attention to the Marriage Requirements at KUA

Getting married is a significant phase in life when someone has found a partner and they commit to living together. This makes wedding preparations one of the most eagerly awaited moments for many couples. One important preparation that must be done is registering the marriage at the Office of Religious Affairs (KUA), at least three months before the wedding ceremony.


However, before registering your marriage at KUA, there are several marriage requirements at KUA that you need to know and fulfill. If you want to know what requirements need to be fulfilled, read this article to the end.



1. Marriage Requirements at KUA

To register a marriage at KUA, prospective brides and grooms must meet several requirements and complete various documents. Legally in Indonesia, these marriage requirements at KUA are regulated by Law Number 1 of 1974 on Marriage, which has been amended by Law Number 16 of 2019. Here is a detailed explanation of the 2024 marriage requirements at KUA that you need to know to prepare without confusion:


1.1 General Requirements

First, there are general marriage requirements at KUA. The general requirements that must be met by each prospective bride and groom include:

  1. Photocopy of ID Card (KTP): Both prospective brides and grooms must provide a photocopy of a valid ID card.
  2. Photocopy of Family Card (KK): Both prospective brides and grooms must provide a photocopy of their respective family cards.
  3. Birth Certificate: Photocopy of the birth certificates of both prospective brides and grooms.
  4. Passport Photos: Passport photos sized 2x3 and 3x4 with a blue background, 4 copies or more for each size.
  5. Letter of Recommendation from RT/RW: A letter from the local RT/RW stating that the prospective bride or groom is a resident of the area.
  6. Certificate of Single Status: A certificate stating that the prospective bride or groom has never been married, obtainable from the local kelurahan.
  7. Marriage certificate (Model N1), Certificate of origin (Model N2), Consent of the bride and groom (Model N3), Certificate of parents (Model N4) obtained from the kelurahan.
  8. Notification of marriage (Model N7): If the prospective bride or groom is unavailable, the notification can be done by a guardian or representative.
  9. Proof of TT1 immunization for the bride, Immunization card, and TT II immunization from the local health center.


1.2 Marriage Requirements for Men

In addition to the general requirements, there are specific marriage requirements at KUA for prospective grooms:

  1. Permission Letter from Superior: If the prospective groom is a member of the TNI/Polri, permission from the superior is required.
  2. Parental/Guardian Permission: If the prospective groom is under 21 years old, parental or guardian permission is required.
  3. Wife's Death Certificate (if widower): If the prospective groom is a widower, the previous wife's death certificate must be attached.
  4. Divorce Certificate: If the prospective groom has been divorced, the divorce certificate must be attached as proof that the previous marriage has legally ended.
  5. Marriage certificate (Model N1), Certificate of origin (Model N2), Consent of the bride and groom (Model N3), Certificate of parents (Model N4) obtained from the kelurahan.
  6. Notification of marriage (Model N7): If the prospective bride or groom is unavailable, the notification can be done by a guardian or representative.
  7. Proof of TT1 immunization for the bride, Immunization card, and TT II immunization from the local health center.
  8. Passport photos of both prospective brides and grooms sized 2x3 and 3x4 with a blue background, 4 copies or more for each size.


1.3 Marriage Requirements for Women

Similarly, prospective brides also have specific marriage requirements at KUA:

  1. Permission Letter from Superior: If the prospective bride is a member of the TNI/Polri, permission from the superior is required.
  2. Parental/Guardian Permission: If the prospective bride is under 21 years old, parental or guardian permission is required.
  3. Husband's Death Certificate (if widow): If the prospective bride is a widow, the previous husband's death certificate must be attached.
  4. Divorce Certificate: If the prospective bride has been divorced, the divorce certificate must be attached as proof that the previous marriage has legally ended.
  5. Marriage certificate (Model N1), Certificate of origin (Model N2), Consent of the bride and groom (Model N3), Certificate of parents (Model N4) obtained from the kelurahan.
  6. Notification of marriage (Model N7): If the prospective bride or groom is unavailable, the notification can be done by a guardian or representative.
  7. Proof of TT1 immunization for the bride, Immunization card, and TT II immunization from the local health center.
  8. Passport photos of both prospective brides and grooms sized 2x3 and 3x4 with a blue background, 4 copies or more for each size.


1.4 For Parents/Guardians of Prospective Brides and Grooms

Parents or guardians of prospective brides and grooms also have some requirements, especially if the prospective bride or groom is underage or requires special permission:

  1. Photocopy of Parent/Guardian ID: Photocopy of the ID of the parents or guardians of both prospective brides and grooms.
  2. Parental/Guardian Permission: A letter stating the parental or guardian's consent for the marriage, especially if the prospective bride or groom is under 21 years old.
  3. Certificate of Guardian Judge: If the prospective bride does not have a nasab guardian, a certificate from the local KUA judge is required.


It is important to note that the marriage requirements at KUA may vary in each region. You need to consult with the KUA in your domicile to confirm the required conditions.


2. How to Register for Marriage at KUA

Marriage registration at KUA can be done in two ways: online through the Simkah website and offline directly at KUA. Here are the steps:


2.1 Online Marriage Registration at KUA

The online marriage registration process at KUA can be done through the Marriage Management Information System (Simkah) website managed by the Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia. Here are the steps:

  1. Login to Simkah Account: Access the Simkah website ( and log in to your account. If you don't have an account, you need to register first.
  2. Register for Marriage: After logging in, select the "Register for Marriage" menu to start the registration process.
  3. Marriage Registration Number and Recommendation: After filling out the registration form, you will get a marriage registration number and recommendation.
  4. Choose Marriage Venue and Time: Determine the place and time for the marriage ceremony according to your preference.
  5. Enter Prospective Groom and Bride Data: Fill in complete data about the prospective groom and bride.
  6. Upload and Complete Required Documents: Upload the required documents such as ID card, family card, birth certificate, etc.
  7. Phone Number and Email Address: Ensure the phone number and email address entered are active for easy communication.
  8. Upload Photos: Upload the prospective bride and groom's passport photos according to the specified requirements.
  9. Print Marriage Registration Proof: After all the data is filled in and the documents are uploaded, print the marriage registration proof to bring to KUA for verification.
  10. Attend on the chosen date with the prospective partner and marriage guardian. Bring all the registration proof and original marriage documents along with at least 2 witnesses.


2.2 Offline Marriage Registration at KUA

Marriage registration can also be done directly at KUA. Here are the steps:

  1. Visit the Kelurahan Office: Bring the marriage recommendation letter from RT/RW and your personal data and your partner's data. Complete and submit the marriage application forms (N1 to N4) at the local kelurahan.
  2. Submit Documents to KUA: After obtaining the complete forms signed by the kelurahan, bring all the prepared documents to the district KUA where the marriage ceremony will be held. You need to come to KUA at least 10 days before the marriage ceremony.
  3. Data Verification: KUA officers will check the completeness and validity of the submitted documents.
  4. Determine Marriage Date: Discuss with KUA officers and the marriage registrar about the available schedule for the marriage ceremony.
  5. Attend pre-marital counseling conducted by religious counselors from KUA.


Remember that the marriage registration process at KUA may vary by region. Consult with the KUA in your domicile to confirm the necessary procedures and requirements.


3. Marriage Ceremony Process at KUA

marriage requirements at kua

Image Source: Freepik


After registering for marriage, there are several steps to be taken in the marriage ceremony process at KUA. Here are the steps:


3.1 Visit the RT Head

The first step is to visit the local RT head to get a recommendation letter. This letter is needed to obtain a certificate of single status from the kelurahan.


3.2 Visit the Kelurahan/Desa

After getting the recommendation letter from the RT head, the next step is to visit the kelurahan or desa to obtain the certificate of single status and the recommendation letter to KUA. Make sure to bring the necessary documents such as ID card, family card, and birth certificate. You will also receive the marriage certificate (Model N1), Certificate of origin (Model N2), Consent of the bride and groom (Model N3), and Certificate of parents (Model N4).


3.3 District Dispensary Certificate

If any prospective bride or groom has not reached the minimum marriage age or the marriage is to be held in less than 10 days, they need to obtain a dispensary certificate from the district. This dispensary is issued by the local district head.


3.4 Register Offline or Online

After all the marriage requirements are complete, you can register for the marriage ceremony offline or online. If you register online, visit the Simkah website and follow the procedures listed.


3.5 Visit the KUA Where the Ceremony Will Be Held

The final step is to visit the KUA where the marriage ceremony will be held to submit all the completed documents and conduct the final verification. Ensure all marriage requirements at KUA are met and documents are complete to avoid issues on the wedding day.


3.6 Pay the Marriage Ceremony Fee

Payment for the marriage ceremony is done at KUA. The fee varies depending on the location and time of the ceremony. If the ceremony is held outside KUA working hours or outside the KUA office, the fee is usually higher.


3.7 Attend Pre-Marital Counseling

After all the required documents are verified, you will receive pre-marital counseling covering knowledge about marriage in Islam, rights and obligations as husband and wife, and how to build a harmonious household.


3.8 Conduct the Marriage Ceremony

The final step is to conduct the marriage ceremony on the chosen date. The marriage ceremony will be led by the Marriage Registrar and must be attended by the marriage guardian and at least 2 witnesses. You can also invite family and friends of the prospective bride or groom, local religious figures, but it is not mandatory.


4. Marriage Costs at KUA

Marriage costs at KUA vary depending on several factors such as the location and time of the ceremony. If the marriage ceremony is conducted at the KUA office during working hours, the fee is generally free.


However, if the marriage ceremony is conducted outside the KUA office or outside KUA working hours, such as at home, in a building, or another agreed location, the prospective bride and groom must pay an administration fee. The additional fee is Rp 600,000 according to the applicable regulations in each region. This fee covers transportation and additional time for the KUA officers who will lead the marriage ceremony at the chosen location.


To ensure there are no issues with the payment process, prospective brides and grooms are advised to confirm directly with the local KUA about the details of the costs to be prepared.


Sobat BFI, here are the marriage requirements at KUA that you need to know. Please note that these are the marriage requirements at KUA for 2024. These provisions may increase or decrease in the coming years, depending on government and regional policies. Therefore, make sure to keep up with the current regulations. Additionally, marriage requirements vary by region, so you need to verify with the KUA in your area.


While marriage can be conducted at KUA with more affordable costs, a wedding ceremony can be an option for you and your partner to celebrate your happy day. If you want to celebrate your wedding and need additional funds, you can apply for financing at BFI Finance.


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Kategori : Informasi Umum