Informasi Umum

What is IKD? Here are its Functions and Differences from e-KTP

Admin BFI
18 March 2024
What is IKD? Here are its Functions and Differences from e-KTP

The government has implemented the use of Digital Population Identity (IKD) in 2022 in accordance with the legal basis in the Regulation of the Minister of Home Affairs Number 72 of 2022 concerning Standards and Specifications for Hardware, Software, and Blanks of Electronic Population Identity Cards and the Implementation of Digital Population Identity.


Digital Population Identity or IKD is a digital-based identity that is planned to replace the electronic Population Identification Card (e-KTP).



1. Why is there a Digital Population Identity (IKD)?

The Digital Population Identity (IKD) is introduced with the main objective of optimizing the utilization of information and communication technology in the digitization process of population. As regulated in Article 14 of Permendagri No. 72 of 2002, IKD is designed with several objectives covering various aspects of community life.


1.1 Objectives of IKD

1. Implementing Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Population Digitalization:

The establishment of IKD aims to ensure that information and communication technology becomes an integral part of population digitization efforts. This not only includes identity data storage but also more efficient population administrative processes.


2. Utilizing Population Digitalization for Citizens:

With IKD, citizens can more easily access and utilize their population data. Information such as Family Cards, Birth Certificates, and other important documents can be accessed digitally, making it easier for citizens to access government and non-government services.


3. Accelerating Public and Private Service Transactions:

Population digitalization through IKD can accelerate public and private service transaction processes. The implementation of digital systems reduces the time required for identity verification, thus enabling faster and more efficient services.


4. Tightening Security of IKD Ownership:

Data security is a priority in the implementation of IKD. The authentication system aims to prevent leakage and falsification of population data. This makes IKD a secure and reliable instrument for verifying a person's identity.


1.2 Functions of IKD

1. Proving Identity through Data Verification:

The function of IKD is as a tool to prove a person's identity through the verification of identity data contained within it. Thus, IKD owners can easily and quickly prove their identity in various situations.


2. Biometric Verification, Identity Data, Verification Code, and QR Code:

The function of IKD involves verification of various elements, such as biometrics, identity data, verification codes, and QR codes. This provides a high level of security and ensures that all information contained within the IKD can be verified accurately.


3. Authorization Rights of IKD Owners over Data:

IKD owners have authorization rights over the data contained within it. They can manage and control who has access to their identity information. This gives IKD owners full control over the security of their personal data.


Thus, the function of IKD is not only as an identification tool but also a step forward in realizing efficient, secure, and affordable population administration. Through proper implementation, IKD can make a positive contribution to improving public services and supporting the development of society towards the digital era.


2. Differences between IKD and e-KTP

Although both contain population data, there are several noticeable differences between them, including:


2.1 Form/Appearance

IKD is in the form of a digital file that contains a QR Code. However, the QR Code is only valid for 90 seconds, minimizing misuse. Whereas e-KTP is in the form of a physical card that can be held.


2.2 Storage

e-KTP can be stored in a wallet, bag, or cardholder. Whereas IKD is stored in an application that can be accessed via smartphone and requires internet connection and step-by-step verification to access it.


2.3 Function

e-KTP itself has many functions, such as opening bank accounts, obtaining permits, registering for driving licenses, and so on. Whereas IKD has been integrated with other documents automatically, such as BPJS, Tax ID, and even Election Voter List (DPT).


2.4 Benefits

e-KTP still requires photocopies to access and register for public services, whereas IKD no longer requires photocopies. The production of IKD no longer requires a budget for blanks, ribbons, film, cleaning kits, and printers.


3. How to Make IKD

Making IKD does not require complicated steps. It is sufficient to complete only 5 steps and IKD can already be accessed.


3.1 Download Application

Download the IKD application from the Play Store or App Store.


3.2 Open the Application

Fill in the NIK, email, and phone number, then click the data verification button.


3.3 Face Recognition

Select the take photo button to perform Face Recognition scanning. After taking the photo, select the scan QR Code (QR Code obtained from the Population and Civil Registration Office).


3.4 Check Email for Activation Code

After taking the photo, select the scan QR Code (QR Code obtained from the Population and Civil Registration Office). Once successful, check the registered email for the activation code and activate IKD. Enter the activation code and captcha to activate IKD.


3.5 Activation Completed

IKD activation has been completed. The ID card can now be accessed quickly through the IKD application on the phone.


Thus, the information provided regarding IKD as a replacement for e-KTP. Hopefully, this change will make it easier for the public to access public services facilitated by the government. It is also hoped that the community can make the best use of this new facility. In the future, IKD may become one of the requirements for applying for financing from financial institutions such as BFI Finance.


BFI Finance is a financing company that provides loans with collateral such as motorcycle BPKB, car BPKB, house/shop certificates conventionally and sharia for various productive and consumptive purposes such as business development, home renovation, investment, children's education fund, etc.

Kategori : Informasi Umum