For BFI friends who own a business, now is the right time for you to expand your business with additional capital from BFI Finance. It's easy, just apply for a loan secured by a House/Ruko/Rukan Certificate with a low interest rate starting from 12% per year.
1. Submission Requirements:
Debtor's profession: Employee or Self-employed
Minimum age 21 years and maximum age 65 years (until loan repayment)
Marital Status: Unmarried or Married
Submission requirements: Only applicable for the following cities:
- Jabodetabek
- East Java (Surabaya, Sidoarjo, Malang, and Gresik)
- Area Medan (Medan City, Deli Serdang, and Binjai City)
- Area Denpasar (Denpasar City, Badung, Gianyar, and Tabanan)
- Area Balikpapan (Balikpapan City, Kutai Kartanegara, Penajam Paser Utara, and Paser)
- Samarinda
Prospective customers can be new customers or existing customers (for existing customers, at least 50% of the financing period at BFI Finance has been under credit).
For employee profiles must fulfill the following conditions:
Work at a company that is publicly recognized, the company has a clear business, and is in the form of a business entity / legal entity.
Salary is reflected in the account.
At least Managerial/Structural position with permanent employee tenure > 2 years, or Prohire employee with at least 6 months of permanent employee tenure 3.
For entrepreneurs, transactions must be reflected in the bank statement.
No loan restructuring has ever been carried out by debtors, spouses and business entities and other stakeholders in the span of the last 2 years
Company/Business Criteria:
Business profile that is not allowed to be financed:
Needs only for passive investment / equity participation; Example: “Consumers make loans for passive investment purposes, without any involvement of debtors in business activities.
Business in the field of Stock Investment/Stock Trading/Cryptocurrency
Contractor/Developer/General Supplier
2. Property Profile:
Has ownership rights to the property (SHM/SHGB) in the name of the prospective customer and his/her spouse.
Not located in an alley, accessible by 1 car (3 meters wide), and not in a village.
Not close to public facilities, power lines, cemeteries, or watersheds.
Not in the process of being sold.
Already occupied or not in a vacant condition.
3. Required documents:
Self-employed attach a savings account / bank statement for at least the last 6 months that reflects business transactions and is recognized only for transactions that can be validated outside of window dressing transactions.
Private employees attach payroll account and salary slip for at least the last 3 months or Annual Tax Return.
Special financing purposes for working capital of business entities / legal entities, must attach the last 2 years of financial statements (audited / non-audited)
4. Terms of Submission:
Minimum disbursement amount IDR 1,000,000,000
Self-employed/professional profession Maximum Tenor 5 years
Employee profession Maximum Tenor 7 years.
Interest Rate:
13-14% per annum (for disbursement => IDR 1,000,000,000 - IDR 1,999,999,999)
12-13% per annum (for disbursement => IDR 2,000,000,000)
Let's apply for a loan with your house certificate as collateral at BFI Finance by filling out the following form.