
BFI Finance Strengthening Relationships with Kompas & Bisnis Indonesia

2019-01-24 00:00:00 5832

Jakarta, January 24, 2019 – Starting the new year, PT BFI Finance Indonesia Tbk (BFI Finance) has arranged various special programs for customers, business partners, and last but not least, The Journalists (“Sahabat Media”). One of those programs is the media visit which is held at the editorial office of Kompas Daily, in Palmerah area, Central Jakarta (24/1).

A week prior, BFI Finance was also having a meeting with the editorial team of Bisnis Indonesia Daily at their office in Karet Tengsin area, Central Jakarta (14/1). BFI Finance presented its corporate vision, mission, as well as its work programs to the editorial team and management in a casual ambience.

The objective of this media visit is to open ways for new collaborations and maintain good cooperation between all parties involved.

On different occasions, BFI Finance also regularly schedules the media visit to trusted local medias outside Jakarta and is represented by the Regional, Area, and Branch Managers in their respective operational network region.

While at Kompas, BFI Finance is warmly welcomed by the Deputy Chief Editor, Tri Agung Kristanto, and the Deputy Managing Editor, Antonius Tomy Trinugroho. Meanwhile at Bisnis Indonesia, the Deputy Chief Editor Chamdan Purwoko, the Managing Editor, Fahmi Achmad, and the Deputy of Sales & Marketing Director, Asep Mh. Mulyana, welcomed the visit from BFI Finance’s team.

BFI Finance shares its updated work programs to Kompas

President Commissioner Kusmayanto Kadiman, Finance Director Sudjono,
and Operational & Human Capital Director Andrew Adiwijanto, during the meeting with Kompas

Bisnis Indonesia editorial team with Sudjono and
Sutadi (Business Director) from BFI Finance

Media visit of BFI Finance is uploaded in real time to
Bisnis Indonesia’s news portal,
