
IICD CG AWARDS 2021 Awards BFI Finance as Issuer With The Best CG Implementation

2021-06-04 00:00:00 6329

Jakarta, May 31, 2021 – As an issuer that consistently applies Good Corporate Governance (GCG) principles, PT BFI Finance Indonesia Tbk (BFI Finance) wins an award in “The 12th IICD Corporate Governance Awards”. The award ceremony was held offline with strict health protocols at the Ballroom Financial Hall, Jakarta (31/5). BFI Finance wins a special title of 'Best CG Overall' for the category of issuers with medium market capitalization (Mid Cap). In addition, BFI Finance is also included in the Top 50 Mid Cap Issuers. The award is received by Johanes Sutrisno, Independent Commissioner of BFI Finance.

Established in 2000, the Indonesian Institute for Corporate Directorship (IICD) is a non-profit organization that aims to internalize and support the implementation of GCG practices in Indonesia. The “IICD Corporate Governance (IICD CG) Awards” is an annual event that has an assessment category for two groups, namely 100 issuers with the largest market capitalization (Big Cap) and 100 issuers with medium market capitalization (Mid Cap).

The assessment method used is based on the Asean CG Scorecard conducted by 10 competent IICD assessors. BFI Finance is considered successful in recording positive performance in accordance with GCG principles. The implementation of good corporate governance at BFI Finance adheres to six principles, namely (1) Transparency; (2) Accountability; (3) Responsibilities; (4) Independence; (5) Fairness; and (6) Integrity.

Boediono, 11th Vice President of RI, delivers closing remarks

Johanes Sutrisno (second left) represents the Company in receiving award
