
BFI Finance Receives Two Awards at The PR Indonesia Awards 2020

2020-04-20 00:00:00 6785

JAKARTA, APRIL 20, 2020 – PT BFI Finance Indonesia Tbk (BFI Finance) has yet again marked another achievement at the Public Relations Indonesia Awards 2020 (PRIA 2020). In the private company category, BFI Finance received two awards for the subcategories of Annual Report dan Corporate PR. The company received Gold Winner and Silver Winner respectively. The trophies will be sent directly to BFI Finance headquarters. 

The awards ceremony was live-streamed on PR INDONESIA Magazine’s YouTube channel on April 20. This fifth PRIA Awards was considered the most comprehensive public relations competition in Indonesia. More than 100 corporations and organizations ranging from ministries, institutions, state-owned enterprises (BUMN), subsidiaries of state-owned enterprises, regional-owned enterprises (BUMD), regional companies, private companies, to regional governments (province/city/regency) participated in the awards, which has been held since 2016. This year, the awards committee received 543 entries. The awards involved at least 13 juries comprising senior PR practitioners, notable journalists, senior academics and PR gurus.

Receiving these awards has become a motivation for BFI Finance’s big family to give the best to society. In current challenging situation, let’s give each other support, strength and protection. BFI Finance will always be present with support and trust from Indonesian society.


