Berita CSR

BFI Finance and ILUNI FTUI Support Educational Facility

2019-05-29 00:00:00 5914

Depok, May 29, 2019 - Continuing the Company's cooperation and support for "Sekolah Indonesia Cepat Tanggap" (SICT) project in Desa Kerandangan, West Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara Province (NTB), which was initiated by Ikatan Alumni Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia (ILUNI FTUI), Ikatan Alumni Arsitektur UI (ILUNIArsUI), and FUSI Foundation; as inaugurated on December 10, 2018 ago; PT BFI Finance Indonesia Tbk (BFI Finance) once again implemented its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) commitment in a similar project which for this year was located in Palu City, Central Sulawesi Province.

Press conference and the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between ILUNI FTUI and BFI Finance were conducted on Friday, May 29, 2019, at the FTUI Dean’s Office in Depok, West Java. Acting as representatives from each institution in the signing of the MOU were Cindar Hari Prabowo as the General Chairman of ILUNI FTUI and Francisca Susilawati as Head of Corporate Communication & CSR of BFI Finance. Also present were Dean of FTUI, Hendri D.S. Budiono, several professors of FTUI, and board member of ILUNI FTUI.

The target of the SICT project this time was to rebuild Raudhatul Athfal Kindergarten building; a school owned by Darul Iman Palu Foundation located in Subdistrict of Lere, District of Palu Barat, Palu City, which collapsed after  earthquake struck Donggala and Palu regions in Central Sulawesi on September 28, 2018. In addition, the cooperation between the two parties also included clean water procurement project where wells and water reservoirs would be provided for residents of Dusun Kinta Baru, Subdistrict of Pengawu, District of Tatanga, Palu City. BFI Finance incurred a total of budget participation amounting to Rp300 million for the project, Rp200 million of which was allocated for the SICT project and Rp100 million for the clean water project.

BFI Finance strongly supports the SICT project that is the innovation and creation of FTUI alumni architects and has expressed its commitment to once again cooperate in the construction of the 5th SICT in the 4th location in Palu, Central Sulawesi. The SICT project upholds four main concepts aimed at making the construction process easily replicated in various disaster-affected areas, consisting of:

  • Modular system: the design is tailored to space requirements, site conditions, and material availability;
  • Flexibility: the design is tailored to the needs of the size of the study group and the configuration of the studying room that supports active learning by students;
  • Plug and Play + Grow: relationship between class units, outer space, and other spaces can be composed of according to the learning program; and
  • Component-based: opens contribution opportunities for stakeholders to provide aid per material component.

The school building rehabilitation project and the procurement of clean water facilities are targeted to be completed in mid or end of July 2019.

