
BFI Finance Shares About Positive Vibes of Minimalist Living

2020-07-24 00:00:00 6667

SOUTH TANGERANG, JULY 24, 2020 - PT BFI Finance Indonesia Tbk (BFI Finance) consistently shared about positive vibes through various publication channels. Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, anyone can still get access to useful information anytime by watching “Ruang Temu” (“Meeting Room”) live streaming on BFI Finance Official YouTube channel. In this episode, “Ruang Temu” collaborated with Maurilla Imron, a content creator who is also a minimalist living enthusiast and the co-founder of Zero Waste Indonesia Community, which promotes environmental awareness. The theme was “Minimalist Habits Make Life Tastes Sweeter”.

What are minimalist habits? In daily life, minimalist habits can be applied easily and they are not as utopian as most people presume. “Applying minimalist living actually does not require any standard or theory. The most important thing is that we have to be mindful by asking questions to ourselves, for instance when we want to consume something,” Maurilla, familiarly nicknamed as Muriel, explained. By asking questions to the inner self, each individual will consider whether he or she really needs something or it is just a momentary craving.

Practicing minimalist habits can also be done while having a certain financial purpose. Managing finance meticulously can automatically affect daily expenses. “There are three most important things: be grateful, be mindful, and be enough,” said Muriel, who once lived for a long time in the Netherlands and now lives in Bali.

Do you want to know the rest of the discussion? Just click the link to BFI Finance Official YouTube channel Happy watching!

