The Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (“EGMS” or “Meeting”) of the Company was convened on Thursday, January 30, 2025, at BFI Tower, Sunburst CBD Lot 1.2, Jl. Kapt. Soebijanto Djojohadikusumo, BSD City, Tangerang Selatan.
The Summary of the Minutes of Meeting are as follows:
Attending Members of the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors of the Company
The EGMS was attended by the Company’s Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors.
Board of Commissioners:
1. Kusmayanto Kadiman | President Commissioner |
2. Johanes Sutrisno | Independent Commissioner |
3. Alfonso Napitupulu | Independent Commissioner |
4. Sunata Tjiterosampurno | Commissioner |
Board of Directors:
1. Francis Lay Sioe Ho | President Director |
2. Sutadi | Director |
3. Sudjono | Director |
4. Andrew Adiwijanto | Director |
5. Goklas | Director |
Quorum of the Attending Shareholders
The EGMS was attended by shareholders and/or their proxies with valid voting rights representing 12,289,106,070 shares or 81.7128% of the total 15,039,383,620 shares after deducting the share buyback by the Company amounting to 927,732,000 shares (Treasury Stock), in accordance with the Register of the Company Shareholders as of January 3, 2025, at 16:00 hours Western Indonesia Time.
Opportunity of Question and Answer
In the agenda of the EGMS, the shareholders present were given the opportunity to raise questions and/or express their opinions with regard the matter being discussed. There was no shareholder raised a question at the EGMS.
Mechanism of the Resolutions Adoption
The decision in the agenda of the EGMS was taken by voting.
To establish the composition of the members of the Company’s Board of Directors, Board of Commissioners, and Sharia Supervisory Board as of the closing of this Meeting up to the closing of the Company’s AGMS in accordance with their respective terms of office, as follows:
President Commissioner | : Kusmayanto Kadiman* (2025) |
President Commissioner | : Francis Lay Sioe Ho** (2025–2028) |
Independent Commissioner | : Johanes Sutrisno (2021–2026) |
Independent Commissioner | : Alfonso Napitupulu (2021–2026) |
Commissioner | : Sunata Tjiterosampurno (2025–2028) |
Commissioner | : Saurabh Narayan Agarwal (2023–2028) |
President Director | : Sutadi*** (2025–2028) |
Director | : Sudjono (2024–2027) |
Director | : Goklas (2024–2027) |
* The term of office ends at the effective date of the appointment of Francis Lay Sioe Ho as President Commissioner of the Company
** Effective as soon as 6 (six) months since the closing of this Meeting and after obtaining Approval from the relevant Regulator. In the event that Approval from the relevant Regulator is obtained more than 6 (six) months since the closing of this Meeting, then the appointment will be effective as of the date of Approval from the relevant Regulator.
*** Effective after obtaining Approval from the relevant Regulator and remaining in office as Director of the Company and also concurrently serving as Interim President Director of the Company
Chairman | : Asrori S. Karni (2022–2027) |
Member | : Helda Rahmi Sina (2022–2027) |
Basis for the Resolutions Reached in the First Agenda:
Votes: Affirmative – 11,596,735,570 (94.36598158%); Abstain – 127,130,200 (1.0344951%); Objection – 565,240,230 (4.59952332%)
Tangerang Selatan, February 3, 2025
PT BFI Finance Indonesia Tbk
Board of Directors