
Guide: Cash Loans with Home/Shop Certificate Collateral from BFI Finance

Admin BFI
26 September 2023
Guide: Cash Loans with Home/Shop Certificate Collateral from BFI Finance

In various aspects of life, there are often times when you need extra funds to fulfill various needs, such as starting a business, your child's education, or other financial requirements. If you own a home or shop certificate, BFI Finance is a reliable solution to meet your financial needs.


In this article, we will delve into the advantages of loans with home/shop certificate collateral at BFI Finance, as well as the simple and fast application process and requirements.


Also Read: Flat Interest Is: Definition, Advantages, and How to Calculate It


1. Advantages of Applying for Loans with Home/Shop Certificate Collateral at BFI Finance

1.1 Licensed and Regulated by OJK (Financial Services Authority)

BFI Finance is a financial institution that is licensed and regulated by the Financial Services Authority (OJK), ensuring safety and credibility.


1.2 Acceptance of Takeovers from Other Leasing Companies

BFI Finance offers flexibility by accepting takeovers from other leasing companies, making it easier for you to consolidate your debts.


1.3 Financing Ranges from Rp 100 Million to Rp 3 Billion

You can access loans ranging from Rp 100 million to Rp 3 billion, giving you the ability to meet various financial needs.


1.4 Low-Interest Rates

BFI Finance offers low-interest rates, starting from 0.9% to 2% flat per month*.


1.5 Extended Loan Tenure

You can choose loan tenures ranging from 12 to 84 months*, providing you with flexibility in planning your repayments.


1.6 Competitive Annual Interest Rates

Annual interest rates range from 18% to 24%*, adjusted based on the collateral's condition and document completeness.


1.7 Wide Service Area

BFI Finance's services are available in several cities, including Jabodetabek, Surabaya, Sidoarjo, Gresik, and Malang.


*Based on the collateral's condition and document completeness, refer to the application requirements for further details.

2. Loan Application Process

Applying for a loan with home/shop certificate collateral at BFI Finance is straightforward and quick. Here are the steps:


2.1 Online Form

Fill out the online form with your personal information to initiate the application process.


2.2 Confirmation

After completing the form, you will be contacted by our Call Center for data verification.


2.3 Survey

The BFI Finance team will conduct a survey related to the collateral asset for further processing.


2.4 Disbursement of Funds

The loan funds will be disbursed directly to the registered bank account.


3. Loan Application Requirements

To ensure a smooth application process, it is important to meet the following requirements:


3.1 Personal Profile:

a. Indonesian citizens (WNI).

b. Aged 21 to 60 years, with marital status of unmarried, married, or divorced.

c. Residence must be in the form of your own house, your spouse's house, family house, or annual lease.

d. Accepted professions include permanent employees (minimum of 2 years' employment) and entrepreneurs (minimum of 2 years in operation).

e. Not acceptable if your business or profession violates the law.


3.2 Property Profile

a. The asset must be a home or shop that is occupied, permanent, and non-transient.

b. The asset eligible for financing must be located in a cluster, complex, or residential area.

c. It should not be located on a small street that can only be passed by one car.

d. It should not be near public facilities, toll roads, or cemeteries.

e. It should not be in the process of being sold.

f. Only SHM/SHGB certificates in the name of the borrower, spouse, biological parents (both still alive), or in-laws (both still alive) can be used as collateral.

g. Location must be in Jabodetabek, Sidoarjo, Surabaya, Gresik, or Malang.


3.3 Initial Requirements:

a. ID cards of the applicant and spouse (if married).

b. Family card.

c. Proof of property tax (Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan/PBB) payments for the last 2 years.

d. Savings account.

e. NPWP (Taxpayer Identification Number).

f. Certificate and Building Permit (IMB) for the home or shop.


3.4 Repayment Scheme

a. Flat monthly interest rates: 0.9% to 2%.

b. Annual interest rates: Starting from 18% to 24% (depending on the asset's condition and document completeness).

c. Minimum and maximum loan amounts: Rp 100 million to Rp 3 billion.

d. Service areas: Jabodetabek, Sidoarjo, Surabaya, Gresik, and Malang.


Also Read: Credit Analysis: Definition, Functions, Principles, and Duties


Once you understand the requirements and have prepared all the necessary documents, you can apply for a loan with home/shop certificate collateral at BFI Finance. Their team will be happy to assist you through the application process quickly and efficiently.


A loan with home/shop certificate collateral from BFI Finance is a smart financial solution to meet various financial needs. With low-interest rates, an easy application process, and many other benefits, you can feel confident that BFI Finance is a reliable financial partner.


Don't let financial needs hinder your dreams. Apply for a loan with home/shop certificate collateral at BFI Finance and secure financial comfort for your future.


BFI Finance is a company that provides multi-purpose loans with guarantees for motorbike bpkbcar bpkb, and house or shophouse certificates

Home Certificate

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BPKB Motor

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