Berita CSR

BFI Finance Supports Indonesian Communities during COVID-19 Pandemic

2020-06-24 00:00:00 7177

South Tangerang, June 24, 2020 – PT BFI Finance Indonesia Tbk (BFI Finance) distributed thousands of packages of staple food in more than 30 cities all across Sumatera to Papua. BFI Finance has previously donated 5,000 sets of personal protective equipment (PPE) in the form of hazardous material (hazmat) suits, which were directly submitted to various medical facilities throughout Indonesia, as well as donation of medical equipment through Relawan Anak Bangsa initiative.

Packages of staple food were given to pre-prosperous families, people living in orphanages and nursing homes, daily wage labourers, and those who earn their livelihood on the streets around BFI Finance’s operational offices all across Indonesia. Not only in major cities, the donations were also given in regional areas from Tulang Bawang (Lampung), Tanah Bumbu (South Kalimantan), Gresik (East Java), to Sorong (West Papua).

Besides distributing donation packages in various locations, the company also educated residents of surrounding communities to always wear mask, wash hands often, keep a distance, care about personal hygiene and environmental sanitation, and avoid mass gatherings. BFI Finance managed these series of activities by complying with health protocols in accordance with government regulation so as to heed social and physical distancing rules. It was BFI Finance’s effort to maintain the health and safety of the company’s on-duty staff and all receivers of donations in order to halt COVID-19 transmission.

Donations for Pondok Kasih Agape orphanage in North Jakarta (June 16)

A local resident in Sorong. West Papua receives donation (June 11)

Distribution of donation packages in Balikpapan (June 8)

"Sharing the blessing" event in Samarinda (June 8)
