
Celebrating Its 42nd Anniversary, BFI Finance Treats Customers and BFI Buddies in Balaraja, Tangerang

2024-04-20 00:00:00 1580

Tangerang, April 20, 2024 – Following a series of activities to celebrate its 42nd anniversary, PT BFI Finance Indonesia (BFI Finance) held an event themed Jajan-Jajan Silaturahmi (JJS) or Kinship Snacking at BFI Finance of Tangerang 2 branch office in Balaraja, Tangerang Regency (04/20).  During this event, the company provided free medical checkup for customers and members of communities living in surrounding areas who already registered. Doing it wholeheartedly, BFI Finance also treated them with various snacks produced by micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) locating around the branch office area. Wow, such a festive occasion!

Additionally, loyal customers who share the same birthday with BFI Finance were also invited to come. The event was certainly an expression of gratitude and an act of strengthening kinship with customers and communities in the surrounding areas who continuously support BFI Finance. Thank you, Sobat BFI (BFI Buddies)!

This momentum of anniversary must serve as an encouragement for the whole big family of BFI Finance to be consistently passionate in giving the best service to Indonesian society.

‘Servprize’ surprise treat for a family of loyal customer who has birthday on April 7

Various kinds of entertainment are presented

Free medical checkup

Booths of local MSMEs offer free snacks for participants of medical chekup
