Berita CSR

Supporting Sustainable Nature Conservation, BFI Finance Plants 15,000 Mangrove Seedlings in Six Areas

2024-12-17 00:00:00 330

PT BFI Finance Indonesia Tbk (BFI Finance) has planted additional 15,000 mangrove seedlings in 2024 in places around the company’s operational areas. Throughout November and December, the program has been completed in six locations, namely in Dumai (Riau), Pari Island (Thousand Islands regency, Special Capital Territory of Jakarta), Bekasi and Indramayu (West Java), Brebes (Central Java), and Badung (Bali). Not to be left behind, BFI Finance’s employees in each of those branch offices also participated in planting mangroves.

Since 2021, BFI Finance has initiated mangrove ecosystem restoration. Apart from undertaking environmentally-friendly practices in BFI Finance’s numerous operational offices, the company also helps global efforts to restore ecosystem services and create natural carbon absorption mechanism through this mangrove planting program.



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