Berita CSR

BFI Finance Convenes an Inspirative Online Workshop to Assist MSME Entrepreneurs

2024-06-25 00:00:00 1948

South Tangerang, June 25, 2024 – BFI Finance is always committed to creating positive impacts for communities in its neighborhood. This commitment was realized recently, among others, through a digital marketing workshop program themed “Development of MSMEs in the Era of Industrial Revolution 4.0” as a part of the company’s campaign to uplift local business #BFINgangkatUsahaLokal. The free webinar was held on June 19-20, 2024 and participated by tens of participants from micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) as customers and other business practitioners from various regions across Indonesia, such as Majalengka, Blora, Semarang, Kudus, Tangerang Raya, Agam, and Medan.

Not only for customers, a similar workshop has also been held last year for business agents (BA) of Sharia business unit during “My Shaf Training Camp” in the period of July to August. All of these knowledge enrichments provided added values for the customers and BA, who serve as an important circle, so that they could continuously grow and develop together with BFI Finance.

First day of workshop with Anggoro Santoso, M.I.Kom (lecturer and practitioner in digital and creative marketing communication)

A session on the second day of workshop with Abdul Rahman (data analyst and business consultant)
