Informasi Umum

Get to Know Motorized Vehicle Invoices and Their 7 Functions

Admin BFI
10 January 2023
Get to Know Motorized Vehicle Invoices and Their 7 Functions

A motor vehicle invoice is an official proof of purchase that is obtained when you buy a vehicle. Even though it looks simple and generally only a piece of paper, in fact, this leaflet has an essential function.

Then, what exactly are a motor vehicle invoice and other important things that we must know? Take a good look at the following article.


1. What is a Motor Vehicle Invoice?

A motor vehicle invoice is an official document or legal proof of purchasing a motor vehicle. It contains a number of important information, starting from the name of the buyer, motorcycle shop or dealer, purchase price, engine number, and frame number, as well as other important information.

You can get this invoice when you finish making a purchase and it is made officially by the seller or motorbike dealer. Generally, this document is provided together with other important documents such as BPKB and STNK. Apart from the buyer, the seller also keeps a copy of the invoice for the motor vehicle sold.

2. 7 Motor Vehicle Invoice Functions

In addition to functioning as legal proof of purchase, motor vehicle invoices have other functions. Among them, namely as an addition to proof of legality, administrative requirements for registering vehicle insurance, proof of paying taxes, and many more. The full explanation is as follows.

2.1.  Legal Evidence of Motorized Vehicle Ownership

The invoice is valid proof of purchase because it was issued directly by the dealer. Invoices can also be used as administrative requirements for administering BPKB and STNK. In addition, the existence of a motor vehicle invoice is also recognized by the authorities such as the police.

2.2. Additional Evidence of Legality

Motor vehicle invoices are used as proof of the legality of vehicle ownership apart from official documents such as STNK and BPKB. So, before you plan to buy a used vehicle, make sure the seller has the original purchase invoice.

2.3. Not as a Requirement for Transfer of Vehicle Names

Don't get me wrong, even though invoices are used as one of the requirements for taking care of the BPKB and STNK, in fact when transferring the vehicle name, invoices are not made as one of the administrative requirements. This can happen because the transfer process includes the BPKB as a complementary document.


Also Read: Here's the Easy Way and Conditions for Transferring Motor Names


2.4. Requirements for Submission of Used Car Loans

Fourth, motor vehicle invoices serve as one of the requirements for applying for a used car loan. This is because existing invoices can be used as a benchmark for the chances of receiving your application. Creditors can ensure your security when transacting.


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2.5. Proof of Tax Paid

Did you know that a motor vehicle invoice can be used as a basis for calculating the vehicle tax that must be paid? This is because the information recorded in it contains the selling price of the vehicle so that the tax that must be paid can be calculated easily through the invoice.


Baca Juga: New ways and conditions for paying motorbike tax, from anywhere!


2.6. Important Documents For Submission of Change of Address or Vehicle Movement

When you plan to move your domicile or buy a used vehicle from another area, of course, you need to make a vehicle mutation. This change of address requires a number of required documents, one of which is a motor vehicle invoice.

This document is required as legal proof that the vehicle is indeed yours because it contains important information related to your vehicle, such as the number plate, frame, engine number, make, model, year of manufacture, and so on.

Without the invoice, your request for a vehicle transfer is at risk of not being able to be processed further by the competent authority.


Also Read: Car Transfer Costs in 2022 and Easy Ways to Manage It


2.7. As a determinant of insurance premiums

Before the vehicle insurance application is approved, the insurer will check the authenticity of the vehicle invoice to determine the motor vehicle insurance premium.

3. Motor Vehicle Invoice Functions for Used Vehicles

Ownership of a motor vehicle invoice is crucial. With this invoice, the seller can ensure security in transactions. In addition, this invoice allows you to resell existing vehicles more easily so that potential buyers believe that the vehicle is legal and not stolen.

4. How to Manage a Motorized Vehicle Invoice If It's Lost

If your motorized vehicle invoice is lost, don't worry or panic because you can get a new invoice. The condition is to make sure your STNK and BPKB are genuine. After that, you can use a trusted invoice management service or manage it independently at the ATPM (Single Agent for Brand Holder).

Legal invoice management services have collaborated with the police. The rates that you have to pay range from 300 thousand to 800 thousand rupiah.

faktur kendaraan bermotor

Image Source: Freepik/fromkazanwithlove

How to Manage Lost Vehicle Invoices to ATMP

  • Contact the nearest ATPM at your domicile.
  • Prepare the necessary documents such as photocopies of ID cards, photocopies of vehicle registration, and photocopies of missing certificates from the police.
  • Fill out the application form and pay the fee for creating a new invoice
  • Wait until the process of creating a new invoice is complete. You will be contacted by telephone later when the invoice is ready to be collected.
  • Take the finished invoice and take it to Samsat to carry out the vehicle mutation process (if you plan to move the domicile or sell it outside the area).

BFI friends, that's the discussion about motor vehicle invoices and other crucial matters. Given its very important function, make sure to take care of it as best you can. Don't get lost or damaged.

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Kategori : Informasi Umum