Informasi Umum

Consumptive Is: Definition, Causative Factors, Tips to Avoid It

Admin BFI
9 April 2023
Consumptive Is: Definition, Causative Factors, Tips to Avoid It

Consumptive is one human behavior that is quite dangerous if left alone. Moreover, in this fast-paced and practical era, where almost everyone can easily make ends meet.

The need is something that is inevitable for humans. Because every human being must have needs that must be met in order to survive. One way that can be done to survive is to buy the goods and services needed. For example food, clothing, and shelter.

However, sometimes a person can get caught up in consumptive behavior where they spend money just to fulfill their desires. In fact, these items are not really important or needed.

Sobat BFI, let's get to know more closely what consumptive behavior is through this one article.


1. What is Consumptive?

According to KBBI (Big Indonesian Dictionary), consumptive is an adjective that has the meaning of consuming, only using, and not producing itself.

Broadly speaking, consumptive behavior is the behavior or lifestyle of someone who likes to spend money without thinking. If left alone consumptive behavior can become a serious problem. Such as the emergence of financial problems, and stress, to threaten the balance of natural resources.

2. Examples of Consumptive Behavior

Consumptive behavior is a tendency to continue buying goods and services repeatedly even though this action is quite dangerous to financial conditions. In order for you to understand what consumptive behavior is, consider the following examples.

2.1. FOMO (Always on Trend)

The first example of consumptive behavior is FOMO or an action to always follow the latest trends. People who are FOMO will always do anything to be able to keep up with existing trends, including spending quite a bit for goods or services that are the subject of many people's conversations today.

2.2. High Sense of Prestige

The next example of consumptive behavior is a high sense of prestige in order to improve social status, being considered good, the desire to be accepted and recognized by a group or environment, and meeting social expectations.

Consumptive behavior due to a sense of prestige can be seen in the habit of buying the latest gadgets or electronics, vehicles with certain brands, and buying the latest goods or services even though they are not very important.

2.3. Luxurious Lifestyle (Hedonism)

Hedonism or a lavish lifestyle is another example of consumptive behavior. Someone with a hedonistic lifestyle has a tendency to seek instant gratification by buying the various goods or services they want without thinking. As a result, the lifestyle they adopt is disastrous for themselves, especially endless financial problems.

2.4. Impulsive Buying

Similar to hedonism, impulsive buying is the act of buying goods and services suddenly due to emotional impulses, such as the desire to own, fear of running out, fear of being outdated, to encouragement from the person's environment.

An example of impulsive buying that is currently quite widespread is wasting money to buy goods online continuously without thinking about it first.

3. Factors Causing Consumptive Behavior

Consumptive behavior can occur due to two factors. First, there is encouragement from within or internal factors. Second, there are external influences that make a person behave consumptively or what can be called external factors.

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Infografis Perilaku Konsumtif | Image Source: Digital Aset BFI Finance

3.1 Internal factors

Internal factors or from within oneself trigger someone to have consumptive behavior.

1. Motivation

There is an inner drive to make his wish come true.

2. Personality

A person's pattern of behavior or character.

3. Self-Esteem

People with low self-esteem tend to be more easily influenced than those with high self-esteem.

4. Learning Process

A person's life experience determines what he will buy.

5. Lifestyle

The way a person uses his time and money.

3.2. External Factors

In addition to internal factors, consumptive behavior is a lifestyle that can occur due to outside influences. Some of them are influenced by culture, social class, reference group, and family.

1. Culture

The development of the times and cultural shifts in society can trigger consumptive behavior.

2. Social Class

Upper, middle, and lower class. Classification is based on wealth, power, honor, and knowledge.

3. Reference Group

The social sphere influences one's attitudes, opinions, norms, and shopping behavior.

4. Family

The lifestyle adopted by a family can influence the behavior of existing family members.

4. Negative Impacts of Consumptive Behavior

As you already know, consumptive behavior is a person's tendency to spend money only to fulfill desires and desires, without considering whether the goods and services purchased are a necessity.

Undoubtedly, such behavior has negative tendencies that can impact a person. The negative impacts that haunt them with this lifestyle include:

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4.1. Financial Problems

People with consumptive behavior tend to think rationally. They often spend their money on goods and services without thinking twice or at least with a clear purpose in mind.

Not surprisingly, their unwise actions are the main cause of one's financial problems. This is because they cannot prioritize their main needs and allow their inner desires to always be fulfilled without a second thought.

As a result, some of the funds that could have been allocated for emergency funds or savings just disappeared. People with consumptive behavior are also often desperate to get into debt and are familiar with the practice of digging holes and closing holes.

4.2. Triggers Stress and Anxiety

Consumptive behavior is behavior that can trigger a person to easily experience stress and anxiety. This happens as a consequence of their actions that are not wise in spending their money and has an impact on financial difficulties.

When someone is experiencing financial difficulties, it will be easier for them to feel stressed and anxious due to their inability to meet their basic needs, especially their primary needs.

Existing feelings of stress and anxiety can be exacerbated when there is social or cultural pressure that requires a person to own certain items in order to be considered successful and well-received in an environment.

4.3. Waste of Resources

Excessive use of resources such as water, fuel, and so on can disrupt the balance of ecosystems and human well-being.

A person with consumptive behavior often uses resources such as money, fuel, energy, etc. for mere wants, not to fulfill their primary needs. If done significantly, of course, it is not impossible that it will have a damaging impact on the environment and the existing economic cycle.

5. Tips for Avoiding Consumptive Behavior

Consumptive behavior is a lifestyle that we can actually avoid through the following tips.


5.1. Recognize Where Needs and Wants

Often we are caught in a situation where we unknowingly spend money on something we don't really need or in other terms hungry for eyes. This phenomenon can occur when you are unable to separate needs from wants.

Needs are basic things that must be met by someone for the sake of survival, such as food, clothing, health, and shelter. Meanwhile, desire is something that is desired by someone, but not always needed to meet basic needs. Desires are generally subjective and influenced by personality, interests, and habits.

Tips for Distinguishing Between Needs and Wants:

  • Give it a moment to think and ask yourself if you need it or just want it.
  • Grouping desires into certain categories. This is done to make it easier for you to make wise decisions. For example, desires related to hobbies, careers, family, finances, and so forth.

5.2. Do Budgeting (Create a Clear Expenditure and Income Budget)

The second tip to prevent consumptive behavior is to do budgeting. Budgeting is done to ensure that your spending and income budgets are well organized, so you don't have to buy anything you don't need.

Tips for Budgeting Effectively:

  • Setting Financial Goals

Before you do budgeting, it is important to have a clear picture of the goals you will achieve, be it in the short, medium or long term. This is useful to assist you in determining priorities.

  • Calculating Total Income and Expenditures 

Make a detailed list of your sources of income, starting from salary, bonuses, passive income, and so on. Also calculate all your expense lists, starting from monthly needs, installments, recreation funds, and others.

  • Create a Needs and Wants List

Group your expenses into needs and wants. With this list, you can easily decide which ones should be fulfilled immediately and which are not.

  • Setting Budget Limits

After you have successfully calculated the total income and expenses, then determine the budget limit for each existing category. That way, your finances will be more organized.

5.3. Don't Follow Trends Too Often

Following the latest trends and developments can be said as daily food. However, to avoid the appearance of consumptive behavior in us, it is better not to follow existing trends too often.

Trends are closely related to new products and services. This can be a trigger for someone to want the item, resulting in financial waste that has an impact on oneself.

5.4. Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

Every human being is basically unique and has a very diverse background. This fact should make us aware that comparing ourselves to others is an unhealthy action and creates financial pressure on us.

From now on, try to reflect on yourself. Get to know who we really are so we can focus on more important values, such as happiness, health, and good relationships with family and those closest to us.

5.5. Shop Within Your Means

The last tip to be able to avoid consumptive behavior is to shop according to our current abilities. Spend the money you have wisely and effectively. Be sure to set aside some of your existing money for savings, investing, and charity.

Friend BFI, thus the discussion regarding Consumptive Is Understanding, Causal Factors, and Tips to Avoid It. The hope is that through this writing you can understand what consumptive behavior is and its impact on yourself, others, and the environment. May we always be individuals who always grow in a positive direction.


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