Informasi Umum

Electric Power: Definition, New Tariffs, and Ways to Save Electricity

Admin BFI
9 November 2022
Electric Power: Definition, New Tariffs, and Ways to Save Electricity

Electricity is one of the main human needs. Without electricity, it would be difficult for us to fulfill our daily needs, especially those related to technology.

Sobat BFI, in this article the BFI Finance Team will discuss various important things related to electrical power that you need to know. Starting from the definition, the latest PLN electricity rates, to how to save electricity effectively.

Let's see the full discussion in the following description.


Definition of Electric Power

Electrical power is the amount of electric power supply that flows and can be used for various purposes. This amount of power is commonly called volt-amperes or is commonly abbreviated as VA.

In Indonesia, electricity is one of the most widely used sources of energy to meet daily needs, for example, PLN's electrical power.

Electric Power Type

In practice, electric power consists of various types. This is in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Number 28 of 2016 where the regulation states that there are 8 categories of electricity and 4 of them are as follows.

1. Household Electricity

The first type is electrical power for households. In this type, the available power is divided into 3 different groups as described below.

  • Group R-1 low voltage (R-1/TR) consisting of 450 VA, 900 VA, 900 VA-RTM, 1,300 VA, 2,200 VA
  • Group R-2 low voltage (R-2/TR) consisting of 3,500 VA - 5,500 VA
  • Group R-3 low voltage (R-3/TR) with a power of 6,600 VA

2. Social Service Electricity

Electricity for social services is devoted to social activities, be it pure social activities or commercial social activities. As with electric power for household purposes, in social services, electricity is also divided into several groups. Details as below.

  • Class S-1 low voltage (S-1/TR) with 220 VA. power
  • Class S-2 low voltage (S-2/TR) with a power of 220 VA - 220 KVA
  • Class S-3 medium voltage (S-3/TM) with power above 220 KVA

3. Business Electricity

Electrical power for business purposes is divided into 3 different groups which are determined by the scale of the business. That includes electricity for small-scale businesses, medium-scale businesses, and large-scale businesses.

  • Class B-1 low voltage (B-1/TR) with a power of 450 VA to 5,500 VA. Intended for small-scale businesses.
  • Class B-2 low voltage (B-2/TR) with power ranging from 6,600 to 200 kVA. This type of electricity is intended for medium-sized businesses.
  • Group B-3 low voltage (B-3/TR) with a power of more than 200 kVA. This class of electricity is intended for large-scale businesses.

4. Industrial Electric

The last is electric power which is specifically used by industry. This type of electricity is divided into 4 different groups as follows.

  • Group I-1 low voltage (I-1/TR) power from 450 VA to 14 kVA. Generally used by the home industry or home industry
  • Group I-2 low voltage (I-2/TR) with power ranging from 14 kVA to 200 kVA which is generally used by medium-scale industries
  • Group I-3 medium voltage (I-3/TR) power that is above 200 kVA and is usually used for medium industry
  • Group I-4 high voltage (I-4/TT) electric power is more than 30,000 kVA and is generally used by large-scale industry

In addition to the 4 types of electricity mentioned above, there is also electricity intended for the public such as street lamp lighting, government offices, electric power for bulk sales needs, and so on.

Latest Electricity Rates for October To December 2022

The electricity tariff is updated every three months by the government. This adjustment is regulated in the Letter of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Number T-162/TL.04/MEM.L/2022.

The details of the applicable rates for October, November, and December 2022 are as follows.

  • Group R-1/TR, the power limit is 900 VA-RTM for regular and prepaid use Rp1,352.00 per kWh
  • Group R-1/TR power limit 1,300 VA for regular and prepaid use Rp1,444,70 per kWh
  • Group R-1/TR 2,200 VA power limit for regular and prepaid use is subject to a tariff of Rp. 1,444.70 per kWh
  • Group R-2/TR, the power limit is 3,500 VA to 5,500 VA for regular and prepaid use Rp1,699.53 per kWh
  • Group R-3/TR, the power limit is 6,600 VA and the tariff is Rp. 1,699.53 per kWh
  • Class B-2/TR power limit 6,600 VA to 200 kVA IDR 1,444.70 per kWh
  • Group P-1/TR power limit 6,600 VA to 200 kVA Rp1,699.53 per kWh
  • Group P-3/TR for regular use and prepaid Rp1,699.53
  • Group L/TR, TM, TT regular use Rp1,644.52

PLN Electricity Added Cost

One sign that your electricity needs to be recharged is that your electricity meter often goes down. Well, if this happens, all you need to do is increase the existing electrical power. What is the range of costs required to add electricity to PLN?

To add power, make sure you prepare some connection fees, and MCB replacement, and don't forget to prepare a customer security deposit. For a complete explanation, you can see the following details.

Daya Listrik

Image Source: Pexels/Matthias Schleiden

1. Fee for Connection or Change of Meter Power

The following is a breakdown of the connection fees for prepaid and postpaid electricity as of February 20, 2021.

Starting Power 450 VA

  • 450 VA to 900 VA Rp441,500
  • 450 VA to 1,300 VA IDR 816,450
  • 450 VA to 2,200 VA Rp1,659,750
  • 450 VA to 3,500 VA Rp2,975,450

Initial Power 900 VA

  • 900 VA to 1,300 VA Rp394,800
  • 900 VA to 2,200 VA Rp1,238,100
  • 900 VA to 3,500 VA Rp2,539,400

Starting Power 1300 VA

  • 1,300 VA to 2,200 VA Rp.863,300
  • 1,300 VA to 3,500 VA Rp2,151,800

Starting Power 2,200 VA to 3,500 VA Rp1,279,700

You can get the latest connection fees in the PLN Mobile application.

2. MCB Replacement Fee

MCB stands for Miniature Circuit Breaker, which is a device that serves to limit the electric current. MCB must be adjusted to the power or voltage you use. Therefore, if you want to add electrical power, the MCB must also be replaced.

3. Customer Security Deposit (Postpaid Only)

The last is to prepare a number of fees for the customer's security deposit. This money is reserved for postpaid users only, if you are a prepaid customer then you don't have to bother providing fees for this.

Well, for those of you who plan to add electricity, electricity migration, or new connections, you can do this through the PLN Mobile application available on the Play Store.

How to Save Electricity

Not everyone has a sufficient budget to increase electrical power. Well, to work around this, you can save electricity.

Here are some tips that you can try as a good way to save electricity.

1. Turn off lights or other electronic devices when not in use

2. Replace your incandescent bulbs with LED bulbs. The price of LED lamps is quite expensive but can save electricity better than ordinary incandescent lamps and last longer.

3. If you are an AC user, try to run it at a temperature of 23-25 degrees Celsius

4. Use alternative energy such as solar panels

5. Optimizing the right home design so that sunlight can reach the inside of the house it can minimize the use of excessive lights

6. Use prepaid electricity

This information is related to electrical power to how to save electricity effectively. Hope this information is useful for you. Get a fast loan with a large amount with a home certificate guarantee only at BFI Finance!

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