
How to Get a Car Collateral Loan from BFI Finance

Admin BFI
27 September 2023
How to Get a Car Collateral Loan from BFI Finance

Are you in need of cash for business capital, your child's education, or other urgent expenses? BFI Finance has the perfect solution for you. With your car's Certificate of Vehicle Ownership (BPKB) as collateral, you can easily obtain a low-interest cash loan with a fast and reliable process. This article will delve into the details of the benefits of car collateral loans at BFI Finance, application requirements, and the necessary document preparations.


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1. Benefits of Applying for a Car Collateral Loan at BFI Finance

1.1 Licensed and Regulated by OJK

BFI Finance is a licensed financial institution regulated by the Financial Services Authority (OJK), ensuring your safety and confidence in conducting financial transactions with them.

1.2 Accepts Take Over up to 80% of Vehicle Value

One significant advantage is the ability to take over up to 80% of your vehicle's value. This provides you with quick and easy access to the cash you need.

1.3 Clean Disbursement Without Deductions

The disbursement process is done without deductions, ensuring that you receive the agreed-upon amount without surprises at the end of the tenure.

1.4 Financing Ranges from Rp 10 Million to 80% of Vehicle Value

You can borrow from Rp 10 million up to 80% of your vehicle's value, offering flexibility in meeting your financial needs.

1.5 Low-Interest Rates

BFI Finance offers low-interest rates starting from 0.89% to 1.1% flat per month*.

1.6 Annual Interest Rates

Annual interest rates range from 10.86% to 12.12%*, making car collateral loans from BFI Finance a competitive option.

1.7 Flexible Tenure

You can choose a loan tenure ranging from 12 to 36 months*, allowing you to arrange payments according to your financial capability.

1.8 Easy Access

BFI Finance has 190 branches throughout Indonesia, making it convenient for you to access their services.


*Based on the condition of the pledged asset and document completeness, refer to the application requirements for more details.


2. Easy Loan Application Process:

The process of applying for a car collateral loan from BFI Finance is straightforward:

2.1 Online Form

Fill out the online form with your personal information to initiate the application process.

2.2 Confirmation

Once the form is complete, you will be contacted by BFI Finance's Call Center to confirm your details.

2.3 Survey

The BFI Finance team will conduct a survey to assess your vehicle and complete the next steps.

2.4 Disbursement of Funds

The loan funds will be disbursed directly to your registered bank account.


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3. Loan Application Requirements

It's important to understand the requirements for applying for a car collateral loan at BFI Finance so that you can prepare accordingly. Here are the application requirements you need to pay attention to:


3.1 Personal Profile

  1. You must be an Indonesian citizen (Warga Negara Indonesia, WNI).

  2. Your age must be between 21 and 60 years old. Marital status can be single, married, or divorced.

  3. Residence status can include your own house, your spouse's house, family house, annual rental, or official residence.

  4. Accepted professions include private employees (with a minimum of 1 year of permanent status or 2 years of contract status), civil servants (PNS), and self-employed individuals (with a minimum of 1 year of operation).

  5. Applications cannot be accepted if your business type or profession violates the law.


3.2 Vehicle Profile

  1. The car must be your own vehicle with the original BPKB.

  2. BPKB can be in your name, your spouse's name, or someone else's (attach proof of purchase). BPKB can also be in the company's name, provided you attach a Letter of Release of Rights (Surat Pelepasan Hak, SPH).

  3. The maximum age of the vehicle is 15 years (minimum year of manufacture: 2008 for sedan, jeep, and minibus types), or 13 years (minimum year of manufacture: 2010 for pickup and truck types).

  4. Vehicle registration (STNK) and vehicle tax must be in your name, still valid, and vehicle tax must not have been unpaid for more than 2 years (if unpaid, it will be deducted from the disbursement amount).

  5. The vehicle must have a black license plate, except for truck types that may have a yellow plate.


3.3 Non-Eligible Conditions

  1. Vehicles with red license plates.

  2. Vehicles previously used as taxis or ambulances.


3.4 Preparation of Initial Requirement Documents

  1. Applicant's and spouse's ID cards (if married)

  2. Family card (Kartu Keluarga)

  3. Latest Property Tax Payment (PBB Terakhir)

  4. Savings account statement

  5. Taxpayer Identification Number (NPWP)

  6. Car registration certificate (STNK) / Car Ownership Certificate (BPKB Mobil)


Given the comprehensive requirements, it's essential for you to prepare all the necessary documents to ensure a smooth and quick loan application process.

Once you understand the requirements and have prepared all the necessary documents, you can apply for a car collateral loan by contacting BFI Finance or visiting one of their branches spread across Indonesia. Our team will assist you through the application process quickly and efficiently.

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A car collateral loan from BFI Finance is a smart financial solution to meet various financial needs. With low-interest rates, easy application, and various other advantages, you can be confident that BFI Finance is a financial partner you can rely on. Don't let financial needs hinder your dreams; apply for a car collateral loan from BFI Finance today and secure financial comfort for your future.


BFI Finance is a company that provides multi-purpose loans with guarantees for motorbike bpkb, car bpkb, and house or shophouse certificates


Home Certificate

Low interest rates start from 0.6% per month and long loan tenors up until 7 years. See Terms

BPKB Motor

Get a loan with a fast process and a maximum tenor of up to 24 months. See Terms


Get a disbursement fund of up to 85% of the vehicle value and a tenor of up to 4 years. See Terms

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